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Elastic energy.

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9mo ago

When a ball is squashed, it gains potential energy due to the compression of its material. This potential energy is stored in the form of elastic potential energy, as the ball has the potential to return to its original shape when released.

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Q: What potential energy does a squashed ball have?
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Which type of energy does a squashed ball has?

A squashed ball has potential energy stored in the compressed structure of the ball. When the ball is released, this potential energy is converted into kinetic energy as the ball bounces back to its original shape and gains speed.

What happends to potential energy as a squashed ball regains its shape?

As a squashed ball regains its shape, the potential energy stored in the ball decreases. This potential energy is converted back into kinetic energy as the ball expands, causing it to bounce back to its original shape.

What happens to potential energy as a squashed ball regains it shape?

Its potential energy increases as it regains its shape.

What type of potential energy does a squashed ball have?

This is what im trying to find out :/

What energy has a squashed spring got?

A squashed spring has potential energy stored in it. When the spring is released, this potential energy is converted into kinetic energy as the spring expands.

What form of potential energy is stored in anything stretched squashed or bent?

Elastic potential energy is stored in objects that are stretched, squashed, or bent. This type of energy is released when the object returns to its original shape or position.

What type of energy does a squashed ball have?

This is what im trying to find out :/

Energy when object is stretched or squashed?

When an object is stretched or squashed, the energy involved is potential energy stored in the object's deformation. This potential energy comes from the work done to change the object's shape. The amount of potential energy stored is directly related to the amount of deformation the object undergoes.

Which form of energy is observed when a spring is squashed?

Elastic potential energy is observed when a spring is squashed. This energy is stored in the spring due to its deformation and can be released when the spring returns to its original shape.

What is the kind of energy stored in stretched or squashed things?

Elastic potential energy is the kind of energy stored in stretched or squashed things. This energy is stored when an object is deformed and can be released when the object returns to its original shape.

How can you increase potential energy of a ball in your hand?

You can increase the potential energy of a ball in your hand by lifting it higher from the ground, as potential energy is directly proportional to height. The higher you lift the ball, the more potential energy it will have.

How does kinetic energy of the ball relate to the bounce of the ball?

The kinetic energy of a ball is transferred into potential energy when the ball compresses upon hitting the ground. When the ball bounces back up, the potential energy is converted back into kinetic energy, resulting in the bounce of the ball. The higher the initial kinetic energy, the higher the bounce of the ball.