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Q: What predatory fish has the word bar in it?
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What is the other word for predatory birds?

Another word for a predatory bird is a "raptor".

What does the word lotte mean?

A Lotte is a predatory fish. It has an extremely large mouth, with a worm like filament attached for attracting prey. It is otherwise known as a goose-fish.

What fish eats fish that eats plaction?

There are lots of fish that eat plankton. They are called primary consumers. They are fish like Herring and Anchovies and can form enormous shoals of millions of fish. This makes them attractive to predatory fish. Larger predatory fish eat these primary consumers. These could be anything from Tuna, bass, shark, snapper. There are lots of large predatory fish that are adapted to the places they live.

Make a sentence with the word predatory?

The hawk is a predatory bird.

How tuna fish get their food to survive?

Tuna are predatory marine fish; they hunt smaller fish.

Name predatory fish ending with the letter a?

· Piranha

What are iguanas enemies?

snakes, hawks, predatory fish

What are the king crabs enemies?

Predatory fish and man.

A sentence with the word predatory?

Example sentence - The bird of prey is in the predatory category.

What do big wild fish eat?

Most large fish are predatory; thus they usually eat smaller fish.

What is the largest predatory fish?

megaladon easy next question

What eats a guppy?

Predatory fish that are large enough to swallow them.