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In late 1860 and early 1861, secession created numerous problems for out-going President Buchanan and in-coming President-to-be Lincoln. Buchanan took no firm or effective steps to close the widening gap between Southern states (both those that had seceded and those that were on the verge of doing so) and Northern states. Upon becoming president in March of 1861, President Lincoln did take firm steps; however, just one month later, his (and the nation's) problem became the Civil War itself, which would require four years before being resolved in the Union's favor.

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Q: What problems did secession create for the Buchanan and Lincoln administrations?
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What view on secession did President Lincoln share with outgoing President James Buchanan?

Both presidents Lincoln and Buchanan believed that secession was unconstitutional. They did differ, however, on one important point. Buchanan, unlike Lincoln, however, did not believe that the federal government had the constitutional power to resist secession through the use of force.

How did Lincoln an Buchanan differ on the issue of secession?

Buchanan had similar ideology to Lincoln until the Southern leadership attempted to kill him. After his near death experience, Buchanan did not oppose succession.

Who was president when the southern state secede from the union?

Buchanan. The secession of the first state (South Carolina) was a direct response to Lincoln's election win. But Lincoln was not inaugurated until March 1861.

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Ulysses S. Grant. Fillmore lived after his post-presidency through the Pierce, Buchanan, Lincoln, Johnson & Grant Administrations.

How did President elect Abraham Lincoln view the threat of secession?

President elect Abraham Lincoln viewed secession as being unconstitutional. He was hesitant, however, to use force to forbid states to actually secede. On the other hand, President Buchanan also saw secession as illegal but unlike Lincoln, did not believe the federal government had the constitutional authority to use force against states that did secede.

What problems or conflicts did Abraham Lincoln face?

Abraham Lincoln faced the secession crisis that erupted into the Civil War.

Did James Buchanan come before or after Abraham Lincoln?

Buchanan was immediately BEFORE Lincoln.

Were Lincoln and Buchanan president at the same time?

No. Lincoln was President immediately following Buchanan.

Did president Buchanan provide strong leadership after state session?

No- Buchanan made virtually no response when South Carolina seceded. The secession occurred after Lincoln had been elected and Buchanan was a lame duck, so maybe he had some excuse for not doing anything drastic. However, Buchanan was known as the "Do nothing" president for good reason. He was content to keep the union together for 4 more years any way he could and made no attempts to solve the problems that were driving the country towards Civil War.

Who serve as president after James Buchanan?

Abraham Lincoln succeeded Buchanan.

Did Abraham Lincoln believe that secession was legal or illegal?

No, when the first states seceded, both President Buchanan and President-Elect Lincoln announced that they could not legally do that.

Who served as president immedietely after James Buchanan?

Abraham Lincoln succeeded Buchanan.