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Q: What process can cause a wet towel to dry?
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When a wet towel is left in the sun it eventually becomes dry it is dries through the process of?

The wet towel gets dry by the process of evaporation. Wet clothes hung outside on aclothesline dry by evaporation.

When a wet towel is left in the sun it eventually becomes dry. It dries through the process of?

evaporation. The heat from the sun causes the water molecules in the towel to gain enough energy to transition from liquid to vapor, escaping into the air and leaving the towel dry.

When a wet towel is left in the sun what is the process that dries it?

When a wet towel is left in the sun it eventually becomes dry, it is dried through the process of evaporation.

When a wet towel is left in the sun it eventually becomes dry . it is dried through the process of?

evaporation: apex

When a wet towel is left in the sun it eventually becomes dry .it is dried through the process of?

evaporation: apex

When a wet towel is left in the sun it eventually become dry. it is dried through the process of?

evaporation: apex

How does a wet towel dry?

By evaporation

What gets dry but is always wet?


What is wet but always but always dry?


What takes a long to dry after wet?

Something that takes a long time to dry after it gets wet is a towel.

How do you clean dry erase markers off of a dry erase board?

a paper towel. Wet or not wet

Will a wet or dry paper towel hod more weight?

a wet pappertowel