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Denser water from the deep ocean can come up to the surface in an upwelling Generally, an upwelling occurs along the coast when wind blows water strongly away from the shore. As the surface water is blown away from the shore, colder water from below comes up to take its place.

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Q: What process can make denser water rise to the top?
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Why didn't the cold dye immediately rise into the warm water?

The cold dye did not immediately rise into the warm water because of the difference in temperature. Cold liquids are denser than warm liquids, causing the cold dye to stay at the bottom initially. As the dye warms up, it becomes less dense and starts to rise through the warm water.

Why doesn't blood mix with water?

Blood and water do mix to an extent, but blood is denser and contains proteins, cells, and other components that make it more viscous and less likely to mix thoroughly with water. The proteins and cells in blood can also cause it to coagulate or clot when exposed to certain conditions.

When water is heated it?

When heat is removed from a gas the gas will start a process called Condensation. Condensation is when a gas becomes too cold to maintain it's state and starts to collect itself into a liquid. Some gases need to be much colder than other gases to start to condense.

Can the water inlet and outlet in distillation be inter converted?

No. Remember: hot air rises & cool air sinks. If the water outlet was to be placed below the condenser, the heat of the water would rise and linger in the condenser, making the condensation process inefficient.

Why does it take the water longer to boil when it has salt in it?

When salt is added to water, it increases the boiling point of the water, requiring it to reach a higher temperature to boil. This is because the salt disrupts the formation of water vapor molecules, which slows down the boiling process.

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Boat travels from river into the ocean does it sink or rise when it enters the salt water?

rise because the salt water is denser... i think...

Why doesn't cold dye rise into warm water?

What happens when a ship enters the sea from a river?

The boat will rise because salt water is denser than river water.

Why didn't the cold dye immediately rise into the warm water?

The cold dye did not immediately rise into the warm water because of the difference in temperature. Cold liquids are denser than warm liquids, causing the cold dye to stay at the bottom initially. As the dye warms up, it becomes less dense and starts to rise through the warm water.

Why does fish float on water despite the fact they are denser than water?

A fish may be denser than water. But in the body of a fish there is an air sac at its backbone which would fill with air which in turn allow it to float or rise with ease.

Where does deep ocean water originate?

The two main sources of deep water are at the poles, where the cold temperatures and the higher salinity make water denser and sink. Water is saltier here because when the water freezes, salt is left behind in the water, making salinity rise.

Why object float in water?

Objects float because the air in the object causes it to rise because it is less denser than water. Objects float better in salt water because the salt makes the water more denser helping even heavier objects to float. -Kimberly P.S. I learned all this in 4th grade!!!!!!!!!!!

What is The rise of hot material and the descent of a cold substance denser?

It is "Convection".

Why would a hot air balloon pilot heat the air in the balloon to make it rise?

Heating the air in the balloon makes it less dense than the surrounding air, causing the balloon to become buoyant and rise. As the air inside the balloon cools, it becomes denser and the balloon descends. This process allows the pilot to control the altitude of the balloon.

If air is denser why does helium pop faster?

Because helium is less denser than air a helium balloon can rise; it is very simple !

What is the function water in pizza?

You mix the water with the yeast to make it rise

What process of water does water vapor rise into the atmosphere?

water rises into the atmosphere in the process of evaporation