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Hydrogen fusion

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Q: What process release the energy in the sun?
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How plant and animal cells obtain and release energy?

Plants get their energy from the sun. They use the light from the sun in a process called photosynthesis. Animals get their energy from the consumption of food.

What prosses gives the sun its energy?

The sun gets its energy from the process of fusion, where hydrogen atoms are fused together in the high temperatures and pressures of the Sun's core to produce helium atoms and release energy in the form of gamma rays..

What energy has sun fusing helium atoms in hydrogen and release energy?

Nuclear fusion is a process where multiple like-charged atomic nuclei join together to form heavier nucleus. It is accompanied by the release of energy. The nuclear fusion process is responsible for the fusion of helium of hydrogen atoms into helium atoms in the core of the sun.

How does sun give you energy?

Sun provides us energy by process of nuclear fission reaction.

What is the process of turning sun energy into food energy?

photosynthesis is the process in which organisms takes sun, water, and carbon dioxide and turns it into food.

What process gives animals energy?

the sun.....

What energy process fuels the sun?


What does photosynthesis use and release?

Photosynthesis uses energy from the sun, water, carbon dioxide. It releases oxygen as a waste product from the process.

What collects energy from sun?

Plants collect energy from the sun using a chemical process called Photosynthesis.

How does energy transfer from the sun?

energy is transferd from the sun in form of electromagnetic waves in a process known as radiation

What process gives the sun its energy?

Fusion at the core of the sun is the process that gives the sun its energy. Fusion is the same process found in the explosion of a hydrogen bomb.

The process responsible for the enormous energy in the sun is?

Nuclear fusion is the process responsible for the enormous energy in the sun. Nuclear fusion occurs when Hydrogen is converted to Helium.