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Plant Photosynthesis

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Q: What produces most of the earths atmospheric oxygen?
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Which process producer most of the oxygen in earth's atmosphere?

The process that produces most of the oxygen in Earths atmosphere is photosynthesis. Plants use this process to create food.

What produces the most oxygen you need?

the ocean produces the most oxygen we need

Is most of the earths atmosphere covered with oxygen?


Which of the earths layers has the most air?

The Crust has the most oxygen in it

What is oxygen most commonly found in?

Oxygen is most commonly found in the air of Earths atmosphere.

What is the most abudant element in earths crust?

Silicon & Oxygen (rocks).

Where can I find Which layer of the earths atmosphere has most of earths weather?

Outside your window, and with an Internet search for "atmospheric layers". The answer is the "troposphere". That's the lowest layer where most of the air is.

Most of the atmospheric oxygen occurs as a result of photosynthesis From which of the following molecules is the oxygen derived?

The oxygen in photosynthesis is derived from water.

Is most of earths atmosphere nitrogen or oxygen?

Nitrogen is about 70%. Oxygen runs about 28%.

Most of earths dry is made up of what?

nitrogen and oxygen

What US state produces the most oxygen?

The evergreen states produce more oxygen.

What process provides most of the oxygen found in earths atmosphere?

Growing more trees as trees take in carbon dioxide and releases oxygen that we use for breathing. So. I guess Afforestation provides most of the oxygen found in the earths atmosphere.