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pokemon overworldeditorRE i think on whack a hack

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Q: What program do you use to edit the character sprites for Pokemon fire red?
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What does pokeTEX do?

PokeTEX allows you to edit the sprites in Pokemon Diamond and Pearl, and maybe Platinum.

How do you edit your character in Eclipse Evolution 2.7?

Go in you gfx folder in the client folder, click on sprites and click on edit. It should come up with the picture in paint. Edit the sprites and save it. If you have any problems, go to and look for the full tutorial.

What program do you use for Pokemon game sprites?

It depends which game your playing, and what version of the game. If its Pokemon Diamond, or Pearl, you need a Trainer Kit which is a software used to hack in-game sprites. This is for the Nintendo DS Only at the moment. If your playing a ROM game on en Emulator, such as Ruby or Saphire, you can just edit the software to make yourself another sprite. Hope it Helped.

Is there a hacking tool to edit Pokemon sprites?

There Is a hacking tool called Pokepic. looking up tutorials on how to use it usually include links.

How do you mix pictures of Digimon to make your own Digimon?

I believe for the most part, many people simply use sprites. By using an image editing program like Photoshop or even MSPaint, people can just copy and paste the sprites, and edit with the tools found in the program.

Is there a program to edit the Gym Leaders in Pokemon Ruby?

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Can you edit character sprites in Super Mario Kart ROMs?

Perhaps you could use YY-CHR. I am not sure if it may work, because I am looking for a similar question.

Where can you make a Pokemon sprite?

You can use MS Paint with a Pokemon sprite sheet to mix Pokemon sprites. You can also mix and edit them to the point they look like "Fakemon" YouTube offers a lot of tutorials on how to make Fakemon, but it can be difficult.

What are Pokemon splices?

Some people like to edit the sprites (pixel images) from the Pokemon games. When someone combines two or more Pokemon by taking pieces from one sprite and attaching them to another sprite, it's called splicing.

How do you put Pokemon sprites in Pokemon diamond hacks from the computer?

You have to use a ROM pallete editor, I think A.P.E might work, and edit it off the computer.

What program do you use to edit a Pokemon's moves in a Pokemon Emerald ROM?

My reccomendation is to use YAPE. I did! MalwareRemovalBot is NOT a ROM hack program, so don't listen to the other guy!

What is a good downloadable tool that I can use to easily replace the old pokemon pictures with new pokemon pictures in a rom.?

I have a Pokemon Emerald rom and I want to change the sprites to my own sprites. What is a good downloadable tool that I can use to easily replace the old pokemon pictures with new pokemon pictures. I don't want an overworld editor, one to edit the Pokemon pictures. Not pokepic because emerald doesn't work on that and not Unlz-GBA because that makes the colours wrong so your sprite ends up a different colour.