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Metalloids are brittle and bad conductors of electricity.

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Q: What properties do all metalloids have in common?
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Where do the metalloids fit in with the properties?

where metalloids fit into the properties

What is a physical property shared by all metalloids?

They are all solids. They have properties of metals and non metals.

What are 4 possible properties of a substance classified as a metalloid?

Metalloids, which have properties of both metals and nonmetals. Some metalloids, but not all, conduct heat or electric current.

What is classification for the elements that have properties of both metals and non metals?

Metalloids Metalloids have properties of both metals and non-metals.

How are metalloids differents from metals and nonmetals?

because metalloids usually have properties that are similar to metals and nonmetals

What are the properties of metalloids?

i think they have properties of both metals and nonmetals .

Does silicon have magnetism?

Silicon is a metalloid. Metalloids does not have all the properties of metals. Silicon does not have magnetism.

Is metalloids a type of element?

Yes, metalloids are elements that have properties of both metals and nonmetals.

What are the different categories are the elements put into?

Metals, nonmetals, and metalloids which are elements that have some of the same properties as metals but not all properties to make them a metal

Do metals have properties of metallic and non metallic?

No, metalloids have properties of metals and nonmetals.

What has properties of metals and non metals?

The metalloids have properties of both metals and nonmetals.

How are metalliods different from metals?

Metalloids have some properties similar to properties of non metals; metalloids have bad thermal and electrical conductivity, they are brittle, soft etc.