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Properties differences between liquid and solis water: density, specific heat, standard molar entropy, refractive index, thermal coductivity, the liquid has viscosity etc.

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Q: What properties does liquid water have that ice does not?
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How are the characteristic properties of a piece of ice are different from its other properties?

The characteristic properties of ice refer to its unique physical and chemical traits that are specific to ice itself, such as its melting point, density, and crystalline structure. On the other hand, its other properties may include factors like color, shape, and size, which are more variable and can change without altering its fundamental nature as ice.

Is the melting ice is a physical change?

The melting of ice is a physical change because the liquid water is still H2O just like the water ice. And the melted water has all the physical and chemical properties of water, just like the ice. No new products with different properties are produced.

What kind of property is melting point and freezing point of water?

The melting point and freezing point of water are physical properties. The melting point is the temperature at which ice (solid) changes to water (liquid), while the freezing point is the temperature at which water (liquid) changes to ice (solid).

Describe 2 physical changes?

Melting of ice is a physical change where solid ice turns into liquid water without changing its chemical composition. Boiling water is another physical change where liquid water turns into water vapor without any change in chemical properties.

Which is most dense liquid water water vapor or ice?

The most dense form of water is liquid water. Ice is less dense than liquid water, which is why ice cubes float in a glass of water. Water vapor is the least dense form of water, as it is a gas and occupies more space compared to liquid water and ice.

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Ice fishing is a popular winter sport. what properties of water is this sport based on?

Ice fishing relies on the solid property of water as ice, as well as the liquid properties of water as water.

How are the characteristic properties of a piece of ice are different from its other properties?

The characteristic properties of ice refer to its unique physical and chemical traits that are specific to ice itself, such as its melting point, density, and crystalline structure. On the other hand, its other properties may include factors like color, shape, and size, which are more variable and can change without altering its fundamental nature as ice.

What properties does ice have that are not shared with liquid water?

For example the density, refractive index, state of matter, spectral properties etc.

Why is the melting of ice a physical change?

The melting of ice is a physical change because the liquid water is still H2O just like the water ice. And the melted water has all the physical and chemical properties of water, just like the ice. No new products with different properties are produced.

Is the melting ice is a physical change?

The melting of ice is a physical change because the liquid water is still H2O just like the water ice. And the melted water has all the physical and chemical properties of water, just like the ice. No new products with different properties are produced.

Why is melting of ice a physical change?

The melting of ice is a physical change because the liquid water is still H2O just like the water ice. And the melted water has all the physical and chemical properties of water, just like the ice. No new products with different properties are produced.

Is it possible for two atoms of the same element to have different chemical properties?

Yes. In the case of isotopes of water. An H2O ice cube is shown to float in a beaker of liquid water, while an ice cube of D2O (heavy water) is shown to sink in liquid water.

Is liquid ice and water the same?

Yes. Water is liquid ice, and ice is solid steam.

Contrast the properties of water in its three states?

Water in three of its forms is solid which is ice, liquid which is just water, and gas which is water vapor.

What is waters characteristics because of hydrogen bonding?

Liquid water is denser than ice,Ice floats on top of liquid water.

Are properties of water more dense as a solid than a liquid?

Yes, water is more dense as a solid (ice) than as a liquid. This is because as water cools and freezes, its molecules form a rigid hexagonal lattice structure, which results in a more compact arrangement and higher density compared to its liquid state.