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We'll, it has magic powers basically. Superman gave it some flying powers. Green Lantern guy was trying to make it green as a liquid, but turned it pale blue instead. Batman gave it something or rather. Johnny Depp breathed it in and made the element cool. The end

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Q: What properties of oxygen make it good for breathing?
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Why is breathing necssary?

If you imagine humans as cars, we need something to make us operate. Breathing send oxygen around our body fueling all our muscles. Food is also required to help our muscles, glucose. We call this the respiratory system.

Can hernias make it hard to breath and cause a choking sensation?

/yes, it is not good when do exercise while breathing is not in proper.

Explain the difference between breathing and respiration?

Breathing brings in oxygen, which is usually necessary for cellular respiration, in your lungs. Holt Science Book Respiration is the release of energy from food, usually sugar. It is a chemical reaction which takes place inside all living cells. Breathing is the process by which air is drawn into and out of the lungs. When air is in the lungs, oxygen is taken into the body. The oxygen is then used during respiration to 'burn' the food, releasing its energy. When food burns, it produces waste carbon dioxide. This CO2 is passed out of the body from the lungs when we breathe out. So, respiration and breathing are connected, but they are not the same thing. Unfortunately, some people do still use the two words to mean the same thing. Also, the breathing system is also called the respiratory system. Just to make it worse, giving someone a kiss is called artificial respiration, instead of artificial breathing! Breathing is sometimes divided into two stages: ventilation (the movement of air in and out of the lungs) and gas exchange (the absorption of oxygen from the lungs and the release of CO2 into the lungs). One last complication: breathing is sometimes called 'external' respiration, and respiration is sometimes called 'internal' or 'cellular' respiration, there is also aerobic and unaerobic respiration... See:

How is breathing controlled in the body and related to homeostasis?

Breathing is controlled by the respiratory center in the brainstem, which monitors the levels of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood. It adjusts the rate and depth of breathing to maintain optimal levels of these gases, helping to maintain homeostasis by ensuring that the body has enough oxygen and is able to get rid of excess carbon dioxide. This process is regulated by feedback mechanisms that respond to changes in blood chemistry.

Difference in breathing and respiration?

Breathing is the process of inhaling and exhaling air, while respiration is the process where cells break down glucose to produce energy. Breathing supplies the oxygen needed for respiration to occur.

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Can you make a good sentence with oxygen?

if breathing stops , there is no oxygen getting to the brain and the cells begin to die.orhydrogen and carbon in the fuel combine with the oxygen in the air to form carbon dioxide and water

How does oxygen make life sutable on earth?

Oxygen makes it human capable of breathing in earth that's why when there is oxygen, there is life.

How breathing eating and aerobic respiration are linked?

Breathing provides the oxygen needed for aerobic respiration, the process by which cells convert glucose into energy. During aerobic respiration, oxygen is used to break down glucose and produce ATP, the cell's energy source. Therefore, breathing is essential to supply the oxygen necessary for aerobic respiration to occur, allowing the body to generate energy from food through the process of metabolism.

What does oxigen use for?

Oxygen can be used for many things such as medicinal things, environmental things and it helps make steel.To make steel you put molten iron with limestone and pure oxygenIt is also 21% of what we breath every day

What does a mix of nitrogen and oxygen make?

nitrous oxide? <><><><> Air you are breathing right this second is a mix of nitrogen (79%) and oxygen (21%)

What are marine applications for helium?

As breathing gas for diving: A mixture of oxygen and helium (some times containing nitrogen or a small percentage of oxygen) is used to avoid the phenomenon of narcosis when only pure oxygen is used; also helium make the effort for breathing easier.

What properties does oxygen have which make it useful?

the most important property of oxygen is its ability to support burning.thus usiful in aero-respiration,welding...

Breathing provides oxygen needed for cellular respiratory which uses sugar to make?

ATP ... Or energy molecules

Does asthma make breathing hard?

your bronchioles swell up which restricts the amount of oxygen going into your lungs.

Why is oxygen important to humans and animals?

Oxygen is needed for the chemical reaction which provides humans and animals with the energy that we need to make our biochemistry work.

Does low iron make you have trouble breathing?

Yes, low iron levels can lead to a condition called iron-deficiency anemia, which can result in reduced oxygen-carrying capacity in the blood. This can cause symptoms such as shortness of breath and fatigue, especially during physical activity. It's important to consult a healthcare provider for proper diagnosis and treatment if you suspect low iron levels may be affecting your breathing.

Is the argon harmful to human health?

Argon is not harmful to human health as it is a noble gas that is inert and non-toxic. It is commonly used in various industrial and medical applications, such as in lighting, welding, and as a carrier gas in medical imaging scans. However, in high concentrations, argon can displace oxygen in the air and potentially cause asphyxiation.