

What prophecys did cassandra make about the Trojan war?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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14y ago

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she saw that some of their attacks were wrong, she knew that they were going to loose-she knew that the wooden horse was a trick

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Q: What prophecys did cassandra make about the Trojan war?
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When was cassandra of the Trojan war born?

she was born in troy in the 12th century she was the daughter of her father and the sister of her brother

How does Agamemnon return from the Trojan War?

With a lot of loot and the Trojan princess Cassandra as his slave in tow. His wife Clytmnestra is jealous and has her lover kill him. Work out the moral values in that one.

Who was cassandra of the Trojan war related to?

Cassandra is a princess of Troy. By most accounts she is the daughter of King Priam and Queen Hecuba. She is the twin of Helenus and cursed by Apollo. She is also sister to Hector and Paris.

Where was Cassandra of the Trojan War born?

As legend says she was the daughter of king Priam and queen Hecuba of Troy, we presume she was born in Troy.

What became of cassandra when the Trojan war was over?

she was brought back home by agamemnon. she was killed along with agamemnon by clytemnestra, agamemnon's wife.

Why did cassandra from the Trojan war consider her gift to be a curse?

No one believes whatever Cassandra predicted. Basically, she sees these horrible images of what was going to happen to Troy and people she know, but everyone just thinks she is crazy. Some of Cassandra's predictions were that Paris will bring the destruction of Troy, Priam bringing Hector's body back from Achilles, the Trojan Horse, and Agamemnon's violent death.

What role did Ulysses play in the Trojan War?

He had an idea to make the Trojan Horse.

Where did agamemnon fight?

According to Aeschylus' "Agamemenon" (part of the Oresteia), Agamemnon returns home from the Trojan War with the Trojan princess Cassandra (his "war booty"), only to be slain in his own home by his wife, Clytaemnestra, who is heartbroken and furious over the sacrifice of their daughter, Iphegenia.

What became of Cassandra at the end of the Trojan war?

From Wikipedia: At the fall of Troy, [Cassandra] sought shelter in the temple of Athena, where she was violently abducted and raped by Ajax the Lesser. Cassandra was then taken as a concubine by King Agamemnon of Mycenae. Unbeknownst to Agamemnon, while he was away at war, his wife, Clytemnestra, had begun an affair with Aegisthus. Clytemnestra and Aegisthus then murdered both Agamemnon and Cassandra. Some sources mention that Cassandra and Agamemnon had twin boys, Teledamus and Pelops, both of whom were killed by Aegisthus.

What happened to Cassandra at the end of the Trojan war?

She was raped by Ajax The Lesser, and abducted, then becoming Agamemnon's concubine, Clytemnestra and Aegisthus murdered them when they came to Mycenae or Argos where Agamemon was king.