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Q: What provides physical evidence of descent with modification over long periods of time?
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Fossils show evidence of descent with modification?

yes they do

New generations are better suited to the environment than the first generation what is this called?

Descent with modification (Apex)

What is it called when newer generations are better suited to an environment than the first generation is?

descent with modification

Involves descent with modification?


Is descent with modification caused by natural selection?

No, it's the other way around: descent with modification is what you need for natural selection to happen.

What is the evolutuionary theory?

The theory of descent with modification.

When micro-evolution occurs over many generations as inherited characteristics leads to changes in populations what has occurred?

Macro-evolution. Or, more accurately, speciation.

What is the Descent of modification is also known as?

Evolution. Darwin used the term "descent with modification"-- not "evolution"-- however, later people began to use the term "evolution."

Descent with modification or change over time is?


What provides strong physical evidence of evolution?

The single most compelling line of evidence for common descent in biology is the fact that all life adheres to a pattern of differences and similarities that forms a set of nested hierarchies. The same pattern is found whether one studies life's behaviour, morphology, embryological development or genetics.As for natural selection, the strong physical evidence here is that the process can be directly observed.

What is descent modification?

IT is when gravity collides with snakes so the organisms

What three word phrase summarizes Darwin?

descent with modification