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The energy is provided by the mother.

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1mo ago

The energy for the embryo to grow comes from nutrients that are supplied by the mother through the placenta. These nutrients are absorbed by the embryo and used to support its growth and development. Additionally, the embryo may also utilize stored energy reserves for growth.

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Seeds have an embryo, which is the tiny plant inside the seed that can grow into a new plant. They also contain stored food, such as starches and oils, to provide energy for the embryo to grow until it can photosynthesize on its own.

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An egg contributes the majority of the genetic material needed for the embryo to develop, including the mitochondria for energy production. In contrast, a sperm cell provides only half of the genetic material necessary for embryo formation.

Where does the embryo develop in the body?

Answer In the uterus. 5-7 days after fertilization, the blastula attaches to the wall of the uterus. When it comes into contact with the endometrium it implants. It then becomes and embryo.