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i dont know dumo

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Q: How many species of otter do they have in Canada?
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Species of otter are there?

River Otter (3 species), Sea Otter, Giant Otter, Hairy Nosed Otter, Japanese Otter, European Otter, Spotted Necked Otter, Marine Otter, African Clawless Otter, Oriental Small Clawed Otter. 13 species

How many of otter species are endangered?

panda and snow leopard

Where do sea otters live in canda?

the sea otter lives in the west cost of Canada it is also an in dangered species

How many species of otter are there?

There are 13 species of otter: African Clawless Otter Aonyx capensis Asian Small-Clawed Otter Aonyx cinereus Congo Clawless Otter, Aonyx congicus Sea Otter, Enhydra lutris North American River Otter Lontra canadensis Marine Otter Lontra felina Neotropical Otter -------------- South American River Otter Lontra provocax Eurasian Otter Lutra lutra Spotted-Necked Otter Lutra maculicollis Hairy-Nosed Otter Lutra sumatrana Smooth-Coated Otter Lutrogale perspicillata Giant Otter There were 14 species but the Maxwells otter is now presumed extinct-TH

What are the nicknames of sea otters?

Sea otters are the only species in their genus, Enhydra. However, there are thirteen species of otter in the subfamily Lutrinae; these include the Marine otter, the North-American river otter, the Neotropical river otter, the Southern river otter, the Eurasian otter, the Hairy-nosed otter, the Asian small-clawed otter, the African clawless otter, the Congo clawless otter, the Giant otter, the Smooth-coated otter, the Spotted-necked otter, and (of course) the Sea otter.

Is an otter an omnivore?

All species in Lutrinae, the otter subfamily, are carnivores. The diet of any given species of otter consists almost entirely of seafood, especially fish and crustaceans. Some otters (excluding the sea otter) sometimes also eat small mammels, but no species of otter includes vegetation as a significant part of its diet.

Is the giant otter the same animal as the giant river otter?

Yes: The names "giant otter" and "giant river otter" can be used interchangeably for the species Pteronura brasiliensis.

What species is the sea otter?

I think mammals... but I am not 100% sure...

How many types of sea otters are there?

There are 13 different otter species and two varieties of sea otters.

When did the sea otter become an endangered species?

They were never part of the endangered species list. Actually Their Endagered in About 12 Areas.

How much does an adult otter weigh?

That would depend on the species of otter you are asking about. Eurasian otter: 7 - 12 kg, Marine otter: 3 - 5.8 kg, Hairy-nosed otter: 5 - 5.9 kg, Giant Otter: 26 - 32 kg

Is a otter carnivore?

All otters are carnivores, although some species (such as the North-American river otter) can be considered omnivores.