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The Black Death was believed to have been a plague from God in the Middle Ages, so people were convinced that they had committed serious sins. During the years of the Black Death's spread, people lived in a constant state of fear and repentance.

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Considering the fact that the plague was almost 100% fatal, most people with the plague felt hopeless and sad before dying several hours/days later.

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Q: What psychological effects did the black death have on the people?
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Was there any effects that helped people of the black death?

yes there are.

What effects did the black death have on rich people?

It had the same affects as any other person with the plague (Black Death).

Step by step What effects did the Black Death do to people?

Black Death was spread by Yersinia pestis bacterium. Symptoms bloody vomit fever and tumors followed with death.

What side effects did the black death have?

The Side effects of the black death were; Chills and tiredness Blisters over the body Black Weals in the armpit and groin then DEATH

What effects did the black death have on freedom?

Black Death was effecting mostly the servants. As they lived in poor conditions.

What was the lasting effects on churches after the black death?

no effects

Where there any positive effects on the Black Death?

The decendents of people that were infected but survived are immune to HIV

What were the effects physically and mentally when people caught the black death?

You cna't feel them becuase you would be dead since it's called black death! U racsist!

What were the social economic and political effects of the famine and black death?

Black Death caused church to lose their power. Many dynasties were erased. People lost their faith in kings and churches.

What effects has religion had on elderly people?

From a psychological standpoint, it helps them cope with death. Those who believe in something (or nothing) have less fear of death and feel that they are ready when the time comes... those who are on the fence have a harder time coping and fear death.

Why does the Black Death eat you from the inside out?

because Black Death effects as follows. Bloody vomit fever and tumors and death.

What did bubonic plague do to the people and population?

Bubonic Plague (Black Death) had many effects and in most cases killed. The population in this time went down a lot, and the great fire of London wiped the black death out.