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The behavioral perspective was developed through laboratory research. This perspective focuses on observable behaviors that can be measured and studied empirically, often using experiments in controlled settings to understand how behavior is influenced by the environment. This approach has been influential in shaping our understanding of learning, conditioning, and behavior change.

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Q: What psychosocial perspective was developed through laboratory research?
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Which perspective is most responsible for bringing issues relating to diversity to the forefront of psychological research?

The multicultural perspective has played a key role in highlighting diversity-related issues in psychological research. This perspective emphasizes the importance of understanding and addressing diversity in various areas, such as culture, ethnicity, gender, and sexual orientation, to promote inclusivity and social justice in the field of psychology.

What is assumption in research?

An assumption in research refers to a statement that is accepted as true without proof. It is a foundational belief that guides the research process and shapes the perspective of the researcher. Assumptions are necessary in research, but researchers should be aware of them and acknowledge their potential impact on the study's findings.

Did Wilhelm wundt have any followers in the field of psychology?

Yes, Wilhelm Wundt had followers in the field of psychology, particularly among his students and those who were inspired by his work on structuralism and founding the first psychology laboratory in the late 19th century. Some of his notable followers include Edward Titchener, who further developed structuralism, and G. Stanley Hall, who established the first American psychology research laboratory.

Which psychological perspective is Ivan Pavlov associated with?

Ivan Pavlov is associated with the behavioral perspective in psychology. He is well-known for his research on classical conditioning, where he demonstrated how an association is formed between a neutral stimulus (like a bell) and a reflex response (like salivating in dogs).

Psychoanalytic perspective is no longer in the mainstream?

While the psychoanalytic perspective may not be as dominant as it once was in psychology, it still influences many theoretical approaches and therapeutic techniques. Contemporary psychology has evolved to include a broader range of perspectives that emphasize empirical research and scientific methods.

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