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A comma or a semicolon

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Q: What punctuation mark can be used to show a compound sentence?
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Show me an example of a compound sentence?

A compound sentence is basically a sentence that can be broken into two. Here is one example: The weather was horrible, but the caravan continued to travel. Here's another one: the news was not that great: he was in grave condition. Notice how these two sentences are separated by a punctuation. In the first instance it was separated by a comma, the second one by a colon. I you do not separate the two sentences by some type of proper punctuation then this becomes a run-on sentence.

What punctuation mark is used to show that a noun is possessive?

The apostrophe is used to show that a noun is possessive.

When do you use exclamation mark?

Exclamation marks are punctuation marks used at the end of the sentence. You use them when you want to show emphasis, high emotion, or excitement.

What punctuation mark is used to show where letters are missing in a contraction and to from possessive words?

The apostrophe.

What punctuation mark states that more is to come?

An ellipsis (...) is a punctuation mark that indicates that more information or words will follow. It is commonly used to show that a sentence or thought is unfinished or to create suspense in writing.

What mark of punctuation might indicate that more information is to come?

An ellipsis (...) is a mark of punctuation that typically indicates that more information is to come. It is used to show that there is a pause or omission in the text.

When do you use hyphenation?

A hyphen is a punctuation mark that is used to link words or separate syllables. The three main cases for their usage are to show word breaks, in compound words and to join prefixes to other words.

How does punctuation aid in ending a sentence?

Punctuation marks serve many functions. In ending a sentence, they tell us that it's time to stop and begin a new thought (and a new sentence). Usually, we can use a period, a question mark, or an exclamation mark to end a sentence. We use a period to show the end of a declarative sentence: I have finished with my homework. Tomorrow, we are going to the movies. These are complete sentences, and the period goes at the end, to show that this sentence is finished. We use a question mark when we are asking about something, or we need more information. Did she get accepted to college? May I borrow your dictionary? And then, there's the exclamation mark-- it tells us the sentence is expressing excitement of some kind. I can't believe I passed the exam! Don't say those terrible things to me!

What is the correct punctuation for the following sentence Mary Tom Bob and Terri went to the show?

Mary, Tom, Bob, and Terri went to the show.

Which punctuation mark should be used after initials?

a period would be after initials to show that it is an abbreviation therefore a period is used so what

What are synonyms of apostrophe?

There probably aren't any. An apostrophe is a "punctuation mark" and not a noun (like car) or a verb (like to jump) or an adjective (like happy). Punctuation marks usually do not have synonyms. An apostrophe is something you use in grammar to show possession or ownership. John's book. Mary's house. There is no other word for "apostrophe", and no other way to show possession other than using that punctuation mark.

Why do you use a quotation mark in a sentence?

To show that a person is speaking.