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Water has the highest total intermolecular forces per molecule at 25°C compared to carbon dioxide, rubbing alcohol, table sugar, and gasoline. Water molecules can form hydrogen bonds with each other, leading to stronger intermolecular forces compared to the other compounds listed.

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Q: What pure compound has the highest total intermolecular forces per molecule at 25 degree Celsius carbon dioxide water rubbing alcohol table sugar or gasoline?
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At sea level water boils at 100 degrees Celsius while methane boils at negative 161 degrees Celsius Which has a stronger attraction between particles?

Water has a stronger attraction between its particles compared to methane. This is evident in the higher boiling point of water, as the stronger intermolecular forces require more energy to break the bonds between water molecules. Methane, being a lighter molecule, has weaker intermolecular forces which results in a lower boiling point.

Which has stronger attractions among its submicroscopic particles a solid at 25 degrees Celsius or a gas 25 degrees Celsius?

A solid at 25 degrees Celsius would have stronger attractions among its submicroscopic particles compared to a gas at the same temperature. In a solid, the particles are closely packed together and have strong intermolecular forces, leading to less movement and a more ordered structure. On the other hand, in a gas, the particles are far apart, have weaker intermolecular forces, and move freely in random directions.

What temperature will a solid melt?

The temperature at which intermolecular forces push the molecules apart

If 1 kg of the compound toluene melts at negative 95 degrees Celsius will 500g of toluene melt at 95 degrees Celsius?

No, if 1 kg of toluene melts at -95 degrees Celsius, the 500g sample would also need to reach the same temperature for melting to occur. It is unlikely for toluene to melt at 95 degrees Celsius in this scenario.

What compound melting point is 118 degrees Celsius?

The compound with a melting point of 118 degrees Celsius is para-dichlorobenzene. It is a solid at room temperature and is commonly used as a moth repellent.

Related questions

The compound CO2 sublimes readily at 25 degrees Celsius Which properties are usually associated with a compound that undergoes this kind of change?

High vapor pressure and low intermolecular forces

How does a volatile substance evaporate faster than water?

A substance which is volatile does not have possess the strong intermolecular forces present in water. Water is held together by hydrogen bonding, where the positive end of one water molecule is strongly attracted to the negative end of another water molecule. This explains water's high boiling point of 100 degrees Celsius. A volatile compound will have either much less hydrogen bonding, or perhaps even the much weaker London dispersion forces as its only intermolecular force. This means less surface tension and a much lower boiling point. So it will evaporate much more quickly. Example: equal volume puddles of gasoline and water. The gasoline will evaporate much more quickly than the water puddle.

Why aluminium chloride sublime at 180 degree celsius?

The sublimation of a molecule depends on the intermolecular forces. Since Aluminium Chloride exists as a dimer, Al2Cl6. It has weak intermolecular forces (also, Vander Waal Forces) due to which it sublimes at a relatively low temperature of 180 degree Celsius.

What chemical compound has its melting point as 104?

There are many compounds with a melting point of 104 degrees Celsius. These compounds often have differences in other characteristics, such as polarity, number of atoms, and its types of intermolecular interactions.

What is the Specific gravity of gasoline vs temperature?

specific gravity of gasoline at 104 celsius

Why is more heat needed to vaporize water than gasoline?

Gasoline has a less boiling point (72 degree Celsius) While water has a bigger boiling point (100 degree Celsius)

Does gasoline freeze?

Yes but it is at -40 degrees to -60 degrees Celsius

Gasoline freezes at - 37 Celsius what is the freezing point in Fahrenheit?

-37ºC = -34.6ºF

If 1 kg of the compound toluene melts at negative 95 degrees Celsius will 500g of toluene melt at 95 degrees Celsius?

No, if 1 kg of toluene melts at -95 degrees Celsius, the 500g sample would also need to reach the same temperature for melting to occur. It is unlikely for toluene to melt at 95 degrees Celsius in this scenario.

What is critical temperature of gasoline?

The critical temperature of gasoline is the temperature at which it becomes combustible and varies according to the pressure the gas is under. On average this temperature is 241 degrees Celsius.

What compound is least soluble at 40 degrees Celsius?

The answer will depend on what the solvent is.

What is a molecule alloy?

molecule alloy, change materials for energy storage and thermal protection at temperatures from 70 degrees to 85 degrees Celsius