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Q: What purpose did the introduction to the Declaration of Independence serve?
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What is the point of government according to the declaration of independence?

To serve the needs of the people.

What is the purpose of prelude in a story?

Essentially, all a prelude does is serve as an introduction to the story.

What best describes how these ideas relate to the declaration of independence?

They serve as the inspiration for the philosophical beliefs promoted in the declaration

According to the declaration of independence where does government's power come from?

The people.

Were any Scots at the Declaration of Independence?

The Declaration of Independence was not an event that people attended. It is a document that was signed by every member of the Continental Congress who continued to serve in that capacity after 2 July 1776 and by everyone who joined the Congress in the several months following.There were several people of Scottish origin or descent who signed the Declaration of Independence.

Who produces the Declaration of Independence?

Thomas Jefferson drafted the Declaration of Independence, but several others had a hand in it as well including Benjamin Franklin and John Adams. Jefferson would go on to serve as America's 3rd U.S. President.

What is a reason to have a government according to the declaration of independence?

According to the Declaration of Independence, the purpose of the government is to secure natural rights for the people. Thomas Jefferson, author of the Declaration, borrowed this idea and many others from the work of political philosopher John Locke.

What did the Declaration of Independence do to the bill of rights and what did it do to the first ten amendments?

The Declaration of Independence did nothing to the Constitution or Bill of Rights since it came before those documents. It did serve as a starting point for many of the concepts the Constitution and Bill of Rights used.

What role did Thomas Jefferson play in the Revolution?

Jefferson played an active role in starting the Revolution, serving as a member of the Continental Congress that declared independence. He wrote and sighed the Declaration of Independence.

How did john Locke's concept of natural rights influence the writers of the delclartaion of independence?

Locke's "Treatise on Government" espoused the principle that governments exist to serve the governed, which was the central principle of the Declaration of Independence.

The declaration of Independence is based upon which English philisopher?

John Locke! He believed that the government should serve the people. So, it is based off of his ideas.

What does the statement of beliefs in the declaration of independence mean?

They mean that the people have a right to choose the government and when the government doesn't serve the people they have the right to change the government.