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Q: What purpose do colourful feathers have?
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Why do peacoks have colourful feathers?


What is the body covering of peacock?

Highly colourful feathers

Does the colourful feathers help the peacock escape from its predators why?

Yes because predators get scared. Colourful feathers are kind of warning not to attack peacock.

What is a peacocks description?

colourful with pretty feathers

What is body covering of peacock?

Highly colourful feathers

What is a peacock body covering?

A male peacock is covered in colourful feathers, with especially long, showy tail feathers.

Is it male or female pheasant that has the colorful feathers?

males are the colourful ones!

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Does any scientist prove that why is the peacock have got color ful feathers even though they have same skin as chicken?

Peacocks have evolved colourful feathers to attract the females for mating, similar to how roosters have colourful feathers for hens. The females are brown because they need to stay camouflaged on the nest. Because it is energetically costly for the males to grow these feathers (especially the long feathers of the peacock), it is thought that if a male grows these feathers, he is strong and healthy.

How do you tell the difference between a roster and a hen from looking at their feathers?

Roosters have larger tail feathers and are usually a bit more colourful than hens.

State a reason to explain why a male peacock has colourful feathers?

To attract females. Natural Selection*

Un - jumble RAPTOR to make a birds name with colourful feathers and avoice to be heard what are you?

The answer is Parrot