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Q: What purpose of mythology does the Apollo and Daphne illustrate?
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Who was Apollo's nymph?

Apollo's most famous nymph lover was Daphne. In Greek mythology, Daphne was a nymph who caught Apollo's eye, but she prayed to her father, a river god, to transform her into a laurel tree to escape Apollo's advances.

In greek mythology daphne became what?

In order to escape the lovestruck sun-god Apollo, the nymph Daphne transformed into a laurel tree.

Who were Apollo's lovers?

Apollo had several lovers in Greek mythology, including Daphne, Coronis, and Cassandra. He was also known for his close relationship with the god Hyacinthus.

What caused Apollo to fall in love with Daphne?

Apollo was struck by one of Cupid's arrows causing him to fall in love with Daphne. However, Daphne was simultaneously struck by a lead-tipped arrow from Cupid that caused her to feel a repulsion towards Apollo. This created a tragic love story in Greek mythology.

Why did Apollo chase daphne?

In Greek mythology, Apollo chased Daphne because he was struck by Cupid's arrow, causing him to fall in love with her. Daphne, however, had been struck by an arrow that caused her to spurn love and remain chaste. As a result, Daphne fled from Apollo's advances, which led to her transformation into a laurel tree.

How many girlfriends did Apollo have?

In Greek mythology, Apollo is known to have multiple lovers and relationships. Some of his most famous partners include Daphne, Coronis, and Cyrene.

Who are Daphne and Apollo?

Daphne was a Naiad nymph of the river Peneios in Thessalia or the Ladon of Arkadia. She was loved by the god Apollo who pursued her until she grew exhausted, cried out for help and was transformed into a laurel tree. This tree after became sacred to Apollo.

Who shot Apollo with the love arrows?

Apollo was shot with love arrows by Eros, also known as Cupid in Roman mythology. Eros aimed the arrows at Apollo to make him fall in love with the mortal maiden Daphne.

How long were Apollo and daphne together?

They never were together. Eros(a.k.a Cupid) was mad with Apollo because he'd been teasing him. He got revenge with Apollo by shotting him with a gold arrow (to make him fall in love with Daphne, the nymph) and shot Daphne with a lead arrow (to make her loathe him, that, and she was chaste). Apollo chased after her and she begged for her father's help (Peneus)and he turned her into a laurel tree. Apollo swore to 'keep her' by his side, thus, why we see him and a laurel crown.

Why does Daphne flee Apollo?

In Greek mythology, Daphne flees Apollo because she wants to remain chaste and avoid his advances. As Apollo pursues her, she asks for help from her father, a river god, who transforms her into a laurel tree to protect her from Apollo's pursuit.

What did daphne change into?

In Greek mythology, Daphne was transformed into a laurel tree. This transformation occurred when she sought refuge from the advances of the god Apollo, who was pursuing her. Her metamorphosis into a tree was her father's (the river god Peneus) way of fulfilling Daphne's wish to escape Apollo's pursuit.

Who is eros greek mythology?

Eros is the god of love He is called Cupid in Roman. He is known for his great archery skills and making Apollo fall in love with Daphne but Daphne says no. Apollo and Daphne are his two enemies. We are not quite sure who his parents are; he could have been one of the first cosmic beings, born out of "Chaos".