

What pyramids were used for?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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10y ago

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Egyptian pyramids were used for the tombs of the pharaoh and the tombs of his/her kings/queens. They were the burial chamber, like out grave yard, but for the rich and important
I think it was used for buring pharohs or important people.

In ancient Egypt, pyramids were used as burial chambers for pharaohs. It was believed that when the Pharaoh died, he became king of the dead. However some of the former Pharaohs spirit called the "ka" remained in the corpse. The corpse had to be cared for in order for the pharaoh to perform his duties as king of the dead. This is why all of the Pharaohs most valuable possessions were put in the pyramid with him. If the king of the dead could not carry out his duties, then it was believed that trouble would fall on Egypt.
They were used to house the dead ancient Egyptians because they beloved in afterlife so to them afterlife was more important than their regular life was so they spent their lives building pyramids so they would have somewhere to live in their afterlife and also so that they would be protected so that no one could steal their treasure or servants that's why they were buried with everything they thought they would need such as organs guide books for afterlife and their live servants and food
To Put The Mummys Body and Tresure in...... its shaped as a triangle so they can Zoom to there Next Life (after Life)
They pyramids were used as a "cemertry" for Pharaohs. When they died they were placed in the tomb with all of there things.
Egyptian pyramids were burial monuments, simply gravestones on a massive scale. Central And South American Pyramids were temples.
Pyramids were, basically, really really expensive gravestones. (Technically, tomb or mausoleum would be a better word, since the dead person was placed inside it, not simply near it.)
burial sites
It is for king. When their king died, they made mummy and pu tin there.

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The pyramids were used to place the king's,Queens and pharoes tombs

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