

Best Answer

-- The size (strength, magnitude) of gravitational force can be anything more than zero.

-- The direction of gravitational force is always in both directions between the centers of

two masses, attracting them toward each other.

-- The distance of gravitational force can be anything more than zero. There is no limit,

and the force between two masses is never zero, no matter how far apart they are.

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Electromagnetic force is greater because in microscopic theories usually gravitational force is neglected and we can attract a pin from the ground by electro magnet easily yet smaller in size, both acts at the vast range but electromagnetic force is far more greater then gravitational.

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Gravitational force of the moon is 1/6th the gravitational force of the Earth. The larger the object, the greater gravitational force it will have.

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Gravitational force is a form of potential energy

The gravitational force?

the force that attracts two matters is called gravitational force.

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Because there is no range limit on the gravitational force, the gravitational force of the earth is only zero in the exact centre of the earth, where it cancels itself out. Realistically, the force is so small outside the immediate vicinity of earth, that it may as well be zero.

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