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Q: What refers to standards of conduct and moral values of a firm?
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What does moral conduct mean?

Moral conduct refers to behavior and actions that are consistent with ethical principles, values, and beliefs. It involves making choices that are considered right or good based on standards of right and wrong.

What is the abstract noun of conduct?

The abstract noun of "conduct" is "conductivity," which refers to the quality or state of behavior in terms of moral or ethical standards.

What is meant by moral Consensus?

Moral consensus refers to a widespread agreement among individuals or within a society about what constitutes right and wrong behavior. It implies a shared understanding of moral values and ethical principles that guide individual and collective actions. Societies with a strong moral consensus tend to have clear norms and standards of conduct that are widely accepted.

What documents give structure to the army moral standards?

FM 1 "The Law of Land Warfare, Uniform Code of Military Justice, and Code of Conduct give structure to its moral standards."

The standards of good moral conduct or principles are known as what?


What is the prefix moral?

im is a prefix for moral

What Refers to standards of moral behavior?


Moral standards or values is called?

blah blah

What does moral decrepitude mean?

Moral decrepitude refers to a state of moral deterioration or corruption in an individual or society, where ethical standards and values have greatly declined. It can involve actions or behaviors that are considered morally wrong, unethical, or depraved.

What is another word for moral values?

Depending on the context, 'moral values' could also refer to:- * morality * ethical values * principles * standards * values

What is the synonym for ethics?

moral code, standards, principles, morals, conscience, moral values, morality

Which phrase define the word ethic?

Ethic refers to a set of moral principles or values that govern a person's or group's behavior and decisions. It is a code of conduct that guides individuals in distinguishing right from wrong and in determining the correct course of action in various situations.