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He was a member of the Socialist Party in the Duma-was actually the leader of the Socialists and favored the continuation of the war against the Central Powers. He was also an atheist. He was able to escape from the Bolsheviks and fled to England and finally to the United States.

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Alexander Kerensky, a prominent Russian political figure during the early 20th century, was of Russian Orthodox faith.

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Alexander Kerensky was born on May 2, 1881.

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Alexander Kerensky was a member of the Socialist-Revolutionary Party. It was involved in the Russian Revolution.

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Alexander Kerensky was a lawyer and a member of the socialist party, the Trudoviks. He served as the 2nd Minister-Chairman of the Russian Provisional Government for a short time.

What did Kerensky do?

Alexander Kerensky was the second leader of the Russian Provisional Government that had been set up after the February Revolution of 1917 forced Tsar Nicholas II to abdicate the throne. He continued to lead the Provisional Government (PG) until Vladimir Lenin and the Bolsheviks overthrew Kerensky and the PG in the October Revolution later that year.

Who ordered the Russian offensive on July 1 1917?

Alexander Kerensky