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Q: What relegion does harry mazer practice?
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When did Johan Mazer die?

Johan Mazer died in 1847.

When was Harry's Practice created?

Harry's Practice was created in 1997.

What is the birth name of Norma Fox Mazer?

Norma Fox Mazer's birth name is Norma Diane Fox.

What is shahrukh relegion?


Does Anne Mazer have any siblings?

Anne Mazer is the oldest of four; she has one brother and two sisters. One of her sisters is now deceased.

Related questions

What was Harry Mazer Wife name?

Norma Fox Mazer

What is the sexual orientation of Harry Mazer?

Harry Mazer, the author, has never publicly discussed his sexual orientation.

A boy no more by harry mazer?

Here is the list of Harry Mazer's books:

Who is Harry Mazer?

Harry Mazer was born on May 31 1925 in Bronx, NY. Harry Mazer is an author for young and adults. He write especially "realistic" novels about war, he was in war too during WW II.

Is harry mazer a girl or boy?

a boy?

Does harry mazer have a website?

None that I have seen

Does harry mazer have any siblings?

no- he is an orphan

What activities did Harry Mazer do when as a child?

smoke weed

What inspired Harry Mazer to write?

He loves writing/typing

What are Harry Mazer's hobbies?

he liked fishing and obviously writing

What do catholics wear to celebrate or practice their relegion?

Normal clothes.

Is the book Heroes Don't Run Fiction or non fiction?

Heroes Don't Run, by Henry Mazer, is fiction.EDIT by EvilBurrito, not the original answer poster: The Author is actually Harry Mazer.