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Q: What results when helium capture occurs with a carbon 12 nucleus?
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Is an alpha particle identical to the nucleus of a carbon atom?

No, it is identical to the nucleus of a helium atom.

How to change carbon to oxygen?

Fuse it with a helium nucleus. If you're asking how you can do it, you can't.

Where is helium formed?

Helium is formed inside stars.The stars turn hydrogen into helium. Larger, older stars can create heavier elements. The formation is normally proton capture. But if helium fuses into beryllium-8, it is unstable. Only the "triple-alpha" process will add a third nucleus to form stable carbon-12, or a fourth to form oxygen-16. The formation of heavier elements from carbon (oxygen, neon, and magnesium) requires tremendous heat and pressure.

What type of nuclear reaction results in a single nucleus undergoing a decrease in atomic number and the release of a helium nucleus?

This is emission of an alpha particle which is a helium nucleus. Thus the atomic number decreases by two and the atomic weight by four, in such a radioactive decay

Does beta have a helium nucleus?

Beta radiation does not have a helium nucleus.Alpha radiation, however, does have a helium nucleus.

What are helium atom nucleus?

The nucleus of a helium atom is composed of two protons and two neutrons. Alpha particles have the same composition as the nucleus of a helium atom.

What is another name for beta particle?

Positively charged helium atoms deprived of electrons. (2 protons 2 neutrons)

What type of fusion occurs in a high-mass star near the end stages of its life cycle?

helium capture

What is the process when a star combines two hydrogen atoms to make a helium atom?

3 Helium nuclei combine to form a carbon nucleus,releasing light energy

What is a Nucleus of a helium atom?

The nucleus of a helium atom contains two protons and two neutrons.

What is the diameter of a Helium-4 nucleus?

The diameter of the helium-4 nucleus is about 1x10-15 m.

Does helium have protons and neutrons in its nucleus?

Yes Helium has two protons and two electrons in its nucleus.