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Limestone, from heat, can melt into magma.

Mainly, it is weathered and eroded back into calcium carbonate solution in the sea, with its insoluble fraction left as the sediment from which it was created.

Lastly, heat and pressure (contact metamorphism) can alter it into marble (a metamorphic rock).

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13y ago

A rock turns to a sedimentary rock through the rock cycle when erosion occurs. Erosion is when a rock get destroy by water the rock turns to be like sand

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12y ago

igneous and metamorphic rocks can change into sedimentary rocks,all three rocks can change into one rock to another by a subjected process

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Any rock can change into sedimentary rock, once it is weathered, transported, deposited and lithified.

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metamorphic rocks.

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A metamorphic rock.

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Q: How do rocks turn in to sedimentary rock through the rock cycle?
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Why wont sedimentary rocks ever be the only type of rock?

Because a sedimentary rock goes through the rock cycle.

What are the 3 rocks in the rock cycle?

Three (3) rocks in the rock cycle are sedimentary, igneous, and metamorphic rock.

What rocks are formed from broken rocks?

Clastic sedimentary rocks and Cataclasites (a form of metamorphic rock) are formed from broken rocks.

What the rock cycle describe?

The rock cycle describes how rocks are formed, and how they change to sedimentary rock, to metamorphic rock, to magma, to igneous rock, to sediment, and back to sedimentary rock.

Do sedimentary rocks change?

Yes they change as they go through different levels of the rock cycle

How does the sedimentary rocks change into other types of rocks?

by the rock cycle :)

What else can sedimentary rocks form from?

All rocks can form from sedimentary because the rock cycle is endless.

What are intermediate materials in a rock cycle?

In the Rock Cycle : The Rocks are- Sedimentary Rocks, Igneous and Metamorphic Rocks. The Intermediate Materials are- Sediments and Magma

Why do mineralogists call this a rock cycle?

A cycle mean something which continue changing. In a rock cycle, the three types of rocks - Igneous rocks changes to Sedimentary rocks wich changes to Metamorphic rocks. These metamorphic rocks can cange into sedimentary rocks by suitable conditions

How could a sedimentary rock provide evidence that the rock cycle exist?

The Rock cycle is a process whereby all types of rock are formed then eroded and "recycled" through different depositional processes. Sedimentary rocks can provide evidence that the rock cycle exists by looking at it under a microscope. Sedimentary rocks are formed by the lithification of grains of different sizes shapes and compositions. By detemining the compositions of the grains within a sedimentary rock through a petrographic microscope or through a scanning electron microscope (SEM) then it can be seen that some grains are composed of minerals that are solely igneous in origin. Likewise, sedimentary rocks can be metamorphosed to form meta-sediments.

How could a sedimentary rock provide evidence that a rock cycle exists?

The Rock cycle is a process whereby all types of rock are formed then eroded and "recycled" through different depositional processes. Sedimentary rocks can provide evidence that the rock cycle exists by looking at it under a microscope. Sedimentary rocks are formed by the lithification of grains of different sizes shapes and compositions. By detemining the compositions of the grains within a sedimentary rock through a petrographic microscope or through a scanning electron microscope (SEM) then it can be seen that some grains are composed of minerals that are solely igneous in origin. Likewise, sedimentary rocks can be metamorphosed to form meta-sediments.

What are the different rocks in the rock cycle?

sedimentary, metamorphic and igneous