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The dominant rock type of the upper mantle is peridotite.

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Q: What rock does the upper mantle contain?
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What is the state of matter of the Earth's upper mantle?

The Earth's upper mantle is composed of solid rock that flows through liquid rock, also known as lava.

Why is the lower mantle denser the the upper mantle?

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Is silica and forms of granite found in upper mantle?

Silica is found in the upper mantle, but not granite. Most of the minerals in the mantle are silicates, meaning they contain silica. Granite is found in the crust, primarily conditnental crust, as it forms from high-silica magma. The upper mantle is composed mostly of a lower-silica rock called peridotite.

How do upper mantle rock differ from lower mantle rock?

the upper-mantle rocks are heavier while the lower mantle rocks are semisolid like melted plastic

How do upper mantle rocks differ from lower mantle rock?

the upper-mantle rocks are heavier while the lower mantle rocks are semisolid like melted plastic

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The molten rock that is found in the upper mantle are?


What is earths upper mantle composition?

hard rock

Does the mantle contain soil?

No, just molten rock.

Where does a peridotite rock come from?

Peridotite originates from the upper mantle.

Magma forms when solid rock in the crust and upper mantle?

Cools ^ If you took this answer then is Magma relevant to Ice? Magma forms when the solid rock in the crust and upper mantle melts. ^Why not erase it then?