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Obsidian is a natural volcanic glass with potentially sharp fracture edges.

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Q: What rock is actually glass and has sharp edges?
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What is a shard of wood?

The definition of a shard is a piece of broken ceramic, metal, glass, or rock, typically having sharp edges. So with that definition, I would say that a shard of wood just means a piece of broken wood having sharp edges. If you are referring to the crossword puzzle hint, the answer is splinter.

How do you know if a rock has been in a river?

The force of the water will have worn it smooth, with no sharp edges.

Is pumice has no grain?

Pumice is so fine grained, it actually doesn't have a grain--because it is a natural volcanic glass. The rough texture is caused by the vesicular nature of the rock--trapped pockets of gas bubbles with sharp glassy edges.

What part of a rock does weathing attack most rapidly?

Weathering attacks the surface of the rock most rapidly.

Why do river stones round out?

Sharp edges are knocked off by the tumbling effect created by moving water, much as a mechanical rock polisher does via a rotating drum. As more and more sharp edges are rounded, and as the rock is abraded by much smaller rock particles being transported by running water, the effect is a rounded smoothed rock surface.

A black rock full of energy is called?

A black rock full of energy is most likely obsidian, which is a natural volcanic glass formed during rapid cooling of lava. Obsidian is known for its sharp edges and ability to hold energy from the Earth.

Is the flint rock very hard?

Yes, slithers of which, when broken from a bigger lump (known as 'knapping') have sharp cutting edges.

What are a mix of of sharp angular pebbles?

A sedimentary rock called "breccia". The sharp angular pebbles making up the breccia could be igneous, sedimentary, or metamorphic. Breccias generally form close to the point of origin of the clast rock, having less time to round those sharp angular edges.

What rocks are a mix of sharp angular pebbles?

A sedimentary rock called "breccia". The sharp angular pebbles making up the breccia could be igneous, sedimentary, or metamorphic. Breccias generally form close to the point of origin of the clast rock, having less time to round those sharp angular edges.

If a cubic shaped rock was left in a energetic stream how would the rock look like in a few years?

Over time, the energetic stream will erode the sharp edges and corners of the cubic rock, gradually smoothing out its surface and rounding its edges. The rock will likely become more rounded and smoother as it is continuously bombarded by the swift-moving water.