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"money" Pink Floyd

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Q: What rock song starts with someone lighting a lighter?
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The ability of solid rock to flow?

Solid rock has the ability to flow over long periods of time under high temperatures and pressures, a process known as rock deformation or creep. This flow occurs on a microscopic scale due to the movement of mineral grains within the rock. The resulting deformation can lead to the folding, faulting, and other structural changes in the Earth's crust.

What is lighter rock or paper?

Between rock and paper, paper is lighter. However if dropped from same height they do fall at the same speed.

What are the release dates for Styled to Rock - 2013 Lighting Up Nervo - 1.6?

Styled to Rock - 2013 Lighting Up Nervo - 1.6 was released on: USA: November 2013

What rock starts off as liquid?

Its magma. It starts with lava, and ends with magma. I hope this helps!

When silica is in a rock does it make it lighter or darker?

Silica typically makes a rock lighter in color because it is a light-colored mineral. Rocks high in silica content often appear white or light gray.

Which rock has more silica in it likely to be lighter or darker than a rock with less silica in it?

It will be lighter. Because the silica makes the rocks explode from the valcanos. The only rock that has height silica content and is dark is Quartz.

What rock starts with the letter a?

Andesite is a volcanic rock.

What is a striped bass that starts with rock?

Rock Fish

Name a rock and roll group that starts with the letter R?

Rush is a rock group that starts with "R".

What cause rock to be igneous rock?

It starts with molten material [magma], when volcanic activity starts the molten material turns into igneous rock.

Is a rock with more silica in it likely to be lighter or draker than a rock with less silica in it?

more silca means lighter color less silca means darker color.

Where does the rock cycle start?

the rock cycle starts with magma