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they were often in the forefront of the resistance of the measires


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Q: What role did everyday people play in the resistance british taxes?
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Related questions

What role did everyday people play in the resistance to British taxes?

they were often in the forefront of the resistance of the measures Plato

What was the British law placing taxes on everyday items?

Townshed Act

The press used news of to stir up resistance against British taxes?

boston massacre

What news did the press use to stir up resistance against british taxes?

the Boston Massacre

Why did the British repeal taxes?

people were angered by taxes and therefore they were withdrawn.

How did the colonist oppose the British taxes?

By active resistance such as the Boston Tea Party, boycotting English products and by smuggling.

Who was the people who raised the taxes at the revolutionary war?

The British

How did colonists oppose new British taxes?

By active resistance such as the Boston Tea Party, boycotting English products and by smuggling.

Lord Dunmore's Occupation During The American Revolution?

to make British people to pay for their taxes

What two women helped organize colonial resistance to british taxes through their writings?

Mercy Otis Warren and Abigail Adams

Why do you have to protest british taxes?

There is no requirement to protest British taxes currently, and many British citizens do not do this.

How did British efforts to raise taxes on colonies sparked protect?

When the British raised taxes on tea and stamps, people were outraged becausr they could not afford it. Just like if taxes were raised today. Thus, they started to pretest and tar and feather.