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Q: What role does Trebonius have in the plot?
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What is Trebonius' role in the conspiracy to murder Caesar?

Trebonius is the one who lures Mark Antony away before they murder Caesar.He was the one who deliberately delayed Marc Antony outside the senate meeting place so Antony could not come to Caesar's aid.

What happened to Trebonius after the battle of Phillipi?

Trebonius was proconsul in Asia in 43 BCE. While at Smyrna, he was murdered by Publius Cornelius

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Trebonius takes mark Antony away from the scene of action so there is no chance of any help to save Caesar from the hands of the senators.

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Julius Caesar's friend who persuaded the senate to cut off funds to pay troops was Gaius Trebonius. As a trusted ally of Caesar, Trebonius played a significant role in persuading the Senate to take this action, which ultimately created discontent among the troops and contributed to the eruption of civil war.

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It provides a framework for the plot

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