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He was the leader of the Nazi party.

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Q: What roles did Hitler play in the Nazi party?
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What role did Himmler play in the Nazi Party?

He oversaw the Gestapo and the concentration camps and was regarded as the architect of the Holocaust which resulted in the deaths of six million Jews and four million Poles.

How do you become a Nazi?

All you really have to do is hate other races besides white. That's how you become a Nazi. If you want to join a skinhead or regular Nazi organization, then find a set in your city and ask them if you can join. People say that it is quite easy to join those groups.

Can you play Mario party ds multiplayer without ds download play?

you cant u should though

Want to play Mario Party?

yes i dobut not right now

Beach party ideas?

California Pankake. Google it. Or play volleyball

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What roles did Hitler play in the nazi?

He was the leader of the Nazi party.

Who was Hitler and what party did he play in socialism?

He was the leader of the Nazi party. Became chancellor and president of Germany Believed in power and violence

Who was adolf Hitler and what role did he play during world war 2?

Adolf Hitler was the chancellor of Germany and dictator of the Nazi party. Hitler wanted the extinction of all Jews, who he believed to be the enemy of the German people. Under Hitler's dictatorship, approximately 6 million Jewish people were killed in concentration camps during World War 2.

What role did the brown shirts play in the success of the Nazis?

Brownshirts is another word for the Sturmabteilung, the original paramilitary wing of the Nazi Party. It played a key role in Adolf Hitler's rise to power in the 1920s and 1930s.

What role did Victor Quisling play in the Nazi takeover of Norway?

His name was "Vidkun Quisling", and he was the leader of a party called "Nasjonal Samling" (National gatherness). He sympathized with the nazi-regime and was Hitler's Norwegian leader.He was shot after the war, and the name Quisling was forbidden in Norway, and today means traitor in the dictionary.

What events did ernst rohm play in the Nazis?

He was the leader of the SA for sometime before his death, he help the rise and get Hitler known around Germany during the early years of the Nazi party in the 1920s. His main goal was to put down Communists, Socialists, and anyone against the party.

How do you get three players on nazi zombies on Call of Duty World at War on Xbox 360?

just invite everyone into a party and then select to play nazi zombies

How was the Warsaw ghetto used in the Nazi propaganda?

the Nazis created scenes in which they made the Jewish inhabitants play roles and showed them as propaganda films.

What role did hate groups play in the holocaust?

You could argue that the Nazi party was one large hate group.

How can a minor party act as a spoiler?

minor and thrid parties play roles a spoiler by taking votes from a candidate.!?.

Did the Nazis play down their anti-Jewish ideology?

No, but sometimes Hitler and some other Nazi leaders temporarily went easy on the anti-Jewish rhetoric for tactical reasons.

Germans political party in power during war?

Until October 1918 Germany didn't have party government. The Kaiser, usually acting on the advice of various figures in the (conservative) political elites, nominated the Chancellor who in turn recommended the other ministers. They then haggled with the political parties in order to get new legislation through Reichstags. In 1914-18 the Reichstag had a considerable range of parties, ranging for the USPD (Independent - that was anti-war - Social Democrats) to the Vaterlandspartei. The largest party was the SPD - the mainstream Social Democrats, but they didn't have a majority.Germans were more like nationalists