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Collected and delivered necessities to the army.

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Q: What role did women play during the battle at Valley Forge?
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How many women were at Valley Forge?

there were around 500 women in valley forge

How did the Continental Army come through the terrible winter at Valley Forge with new hope.?

Patriots from around the nation sent help. Women collected food, medicine, warm clothes, and ammunition for the army. Some women, like Martha Washington, wife of the commander, went to Valley Forge to help the sick and wounded.

What did Valley Forge soldiers go through?

Valley Forge soldiers endured cold, snow, lack of food, lack of shoes and uniforms while nearby Philadelphia had good housing, firewood for heat, plenty of boots and uniforms, lots of food, and women to have parties with.

Who Stayed with her husband at Valley Forge?

Martha Washington with George Washington are known for that, but I've heard that other women stayed with their husbands too.

How did the army fair during the winter of ( valley forge )?

The park service historians have uncovered letters and artifacts that show the men at Valley Forge did very well. Unlike the story about their starving, sick, and no shoes they were well fed, warm in cabins, and did have shoes. The misinformation maybe due to the letter that Washington wrote to congress. He told them they were in bad shape, but if he stated that they were doing well he was afraid they would cut funding for his troops. They were so well off that officer wives stayed at Valley Forge and this included Mrs. Washington. If conditions had been bad the women would never have been allowed to come to the encampment.

Did women fight in the Battle of Trenton?

No. Women did follow their husbands into battle ( Molly Pitcher) and a few disguised themselves as men (Debra Samson), but for the most part women did not fight. Martha Washington went to Valley Forge and spent the winter with her husband. Women did many things behind the scenes. Some served as spies and passed messages ( one lady in Long Island would hang her wash a certain way to give a message), others hid people or helped with supplies.

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How did Valley Forge affect the war?

Washington's Army spent the Winter of 1777-78 camped at Valley Forge in Southeast PennsylvaniaOn the march to Valley Forge, Washington's army lacked supplies. Many soldiers had only blankets to cover themselves.They also lacked shoes. The barefoot men left tracks of blood on the frozenground as they marched.The soldiers' condition did not improve at camp. Over the winter, thesoldiers at Valley Forge grew weak from not having enough food or warmclothing. Roughly a quarter of them died from malnutrition, exposure, ordiseases such as smallpox and typhoid fever. Because of this suffering, thename Valley Forge came to stand for the great hardships that Americansendured in the Revolutionary War.Washington appealed to Congress for supplies, but it was slow in responding.Luckily, private citizens sometimes helped the soldiers. On New Year'sDay 1778, a group of Philadelphia women drove ten teams of oxen intocamp. The oxen were pulling wagons full of supplies and 2,000 shirts. Thewomen had the oxen killed to provide food for the troops.

When was Valley State Prison for Women created?

Valley State Prison for Women was created in 1995.

Who was the brave women who volunteered to go after gunpowder during a battle in fort Henry?

Betty Zane

When was Women's Community Club of South Valley created?

Women's Community Club of South Valley was created in 1846.

Where did the Tejana women of the Alamo take refuge during the final battle?

She defended from the back and/or hid in the back of the Alamo