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By physical and chemical properties

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Q: What rule do you use to identify substance as elements and compounds?
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Should boron be capitalized?

Yes, it should be capitalized. Capitalization of elements and compounds are a general rule.

Are the elements that make up a compound joined in a fixed proportion?

This is an old rule (Law of definite proportions) not valid for nonstoichiometric compounds.

How can you tell a substance is soluble in water?

You could mix it with water and see if it dissolves. The general rule is that polar substances and many ionic compounds are soluble in water.

What group of elements satisfies the octect rule without forming compounds?

The noble or inert gases.

Substance that is the exception to the rule of expansion and contraction?

Water is the substance that is an exception to this rule. Although most other substance follow this rule, the hydrogen bond in water is the characteristic associated with this exception.

What would be a rule to help you identify foods containing carbohydrates?

What would be a good rule to help you identify foods containing carbohydrates?

What indentifies an organic compound from other compounds?

The rule of thumb is organic compounds are carbon based.

What is the roster method?

It seems that 'roster and rule' is finding a rule that the elements of a set follow, by listing the elements of the set in order. Or possibly, the roster is the list or diagram of the ordered elements, while the rule is the equivalent form using selection of elements from a domain matching a rule.

Why are most organic compounds white?

This is not a serious rule.

What one of these defines the like dissolves like rule of solubility?

As a general rule polar compounds are soluble in polar solvents and nonpolar compounds are soluble in nonpolar solvents.

What 3 elements do organic molecules contain?

It's not just 3. There are more. Organic compounds must be made of carbons. That's the first rule. Next is that the other elements will be most often hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, sulfur, or the halogens, but sometimes others as well. So it's not just 3 elements.

Most hydroxide (OH) compounds are insoluble?

Rule 5