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The Persians, under Cyrus, announced that those who wanted to return were free to do so. Many had established themselves well in Babylon and did not return.

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Cyrus the Great

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Q: What ruler freed the Jews from the Babylonian captivity?
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Nebuchadnezzar is a Babylonian king who destroyed the temple of Solomon and started the Babylonian captivity of the Jews.

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The Babylonian Captivity of the Jews lasted for how many years?

70 years.

Who finally freed the Jews from captivity in 538?

if you mean from egyptians its moses

Empire that replaced the babylonian empire when it fell?

The Assyria Empire took over the Babylonian Empire when it fell.

What happened during the Babylonian captivity?

The Persians conquered the Chaldeans during the Babylonian Captivity.Thousands of Jews marched to work as slaves

Land to which the Jews returned after being freed from captivity?

Judea (also known as Israel).

Following the Babylonian captivity many Jews scattered across the Persian Empire in what is known as what?

The Jews could be scattered in what is now Iraq.

Which event took place before the Babylonian captivity?

The major event preceding the Babylonian captivity was the fall of Jerusalem and the destruction of the Jewish holy temple in the city.

What ruler predicted by Isaiah allowed the Jews to return after the Babylonian exile?

Cyrus of Persia.

How long did the Jews spend in Babylon?

The Babylonian Captivity was from 586 B.C.E. to 532 B.C.E. or 54 years.

What is the Babylonian Captivity in 1309-1377?

The Babylonians took the jews captive then plundered and destroyed their temples in search for gold and silver. Then used the Jews as slaves