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Any scale can be used; the absolute, rational, thermodynamic based scale is the Kelvin scale.

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The Kelvin scale is used to measure very low temperatures. It starts at absolute zero, which is the coldest temperature possible where particles have minimal motion.

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Kelvin scale

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Q: What scale is used to measure very low temperatures?
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The celsius scale is used for what temperatures?

It can be used with any temperature. However the Kelvin scale (centigrade based on absolute zero) is often used for very cold temperatures, or for very hot temperatures, where it is practically the same as Celsius.

Which temperature scale is used in the scientific study of gases and very cold temperatures?

The Kelvin scale is used in the scientific study of gases and very cold temperatures. It is an absolute temperature scale where 0 K is considered absolute zero, the point at which all molecular motion ceases.

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The pH scale (not hP) is used to measure the acidity/basicity of an aqueous solution. It actually is a measure of the hydronium ion concentration. pH <7 is acidic; pH>7 is basic; pH=7 is neutral.

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A spring scale or a dynamometer is typically used to measure the force or pull of gravity acting on an object.

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Alcohol thermometres are used to measure very low temperatures (upto -112 degree celsius).

Why is mercury not used in thermometers?

as it cant be used to measure very low temperatures as it has a high freezing point(-38 degree celsius).

How are logarithms used in our society?

Many scales such as sound and PH are log scales. The scale used to measure earthquakes is also a log scale. Whenever the data has a very wide range, a log scale might help.

What are the two scale used to measure earthquakes and what do they measure?

There are actually 3. But 2 of them are The Mercalli scale measures an earthquake's intensity which is the strength of the ground motion in a given place. It is not very accurate though. The Richter scale measures the size of seismic waves. It gives it a rating from 1 which is the lowest(can't be felt) to 9(deathly destruction) These 2 scales are very similiar.

Why are Different types of thermometers used to measure more extreme temperature?

Different types of thermometers are used to measure more extreme temperatures because each type has different working principles and temperature ranges in which they are most accurate. For example, liquid-in-glass thermometers are suitable for measuring moderate temperatures, while thermocouples are better for measuring very high or very low temperatures. Using specialized thermometers ensures accurate temperature readings in extreme conditions.

Logarithmic scales are used to measure what?

Whenever the data covers a very large range of values a log scale if very useful. Earthquakes and hearing are common examples.

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When are alcohol and mercury thermometers used?

Alcohol thermometers are typically used in households for measuring body temperature. Mercury thermometers are used in industrial and laboratory settings for their accuracy and wide temperature range. However, environmentally-friendly alternatives are encouraged due to the toxicity of mercury.