

What school sport involves water?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Q: What school sport involves water?
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The Spainish sport that involves matadors is bull fighting. The matadors are the people that fight the bulls.Bullfighting is not considered a sport, it is considered an art.

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There are many things that involve water, swimming is an example, drinking, raining, and washing. Water is also involved in steam engines, sport and brewing Guinness.

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Many sports involve physics, but one that stands out is alpine skiing. Athletes must consider concepts like gravity, friction, and motion as they navigate various terrains while moving at high speeds. Additionally, equipment design and aerodynamics play a significant role in performance.

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Skim boarding is like surfing but the skim board does not have a fin so it glides across the water surface. The sport involves many of the same maneuvers that surfers do.

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