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A Bunsen Burner

An Electric Mantle

A Steam mantle.

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5mo ago
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Mohammad Ammar jomah

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4h ago

Liquid petrol gas (lpg)

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9y ago

Usually a Bunsen burner

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Q: What science tool is used to heat things up in a lab?
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What is a striker and how is it used in science?

asteel tool used in science/chemistry to strike and light a Bunsen Burner

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Why do you use science?

science is not a tool to be used at every whim, science is the task of sharing kowledge and finding out about our world.

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What is a tripod stand for in science?

Used on top of a Bunsen burner so you can heat things. it normally has a gauze mat on it and you put a beaker, evaporating basin etc on top of it to heat.

What is a scientific tool used as a heat source?


What is a beaker and a graduated cylinder?

It is a science tool used to measure volume .

Can energy be transferred to heat things?

All kinds of energy can be used to heat things either directly or indirectly. Solar energy can be used to heat things directly. water fall energy or wind energy can be used to heat things through electricity production that in its turn can heat things.

What science tool heats stuff up?

There are a number of science tools that heat stuff up. The most interesting might be the Bunsen Burner which creates a flame from any of several common flammable gases.Microwave ovens, electric or gas hotplates, and heat guns are also sometimes used, depending on what needs to be heated

What is the best household tool used to represent the sun's heat?

a fire

How do you define a tool?

A tool is an object used for doing work such as building or repairing things.

How the science is harmfull to human race?

Science by itself is neither good or bad, it's just a tool. It's all in the usage. A hammer can be used both to build things up as well as destroying things. Considering that average life expectance is still rising, I think science has done more good than bad.