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Depends on where you're at, and what the ground is like. If you're in a place that gets real winters, and the ground is soft, then you do less damage if you go in when the ground is frozen. If you don't get that kind of winters, better hold out for the dry season.

Basically, loggers are professionals, they need to work year round.

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Q: What season does logging happen most?
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What season is logging most common in?

Logging goes on yearround, every season.

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When does logging happen?

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That depends on the industry. For instance, in logging... in Kalispell, Montana, logging season is during the summer (which is brief in Montana), and the rest of the year the loggers are unemployed. In other industries, the unemployment might happen when tourists aren't around, or when it is warm (if you work at a ski resort for instance).

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