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Q: What secret is Edmund supposed to keep?
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Did ELiza Lucas Pinckney keep her methods of production a secret?

No, she did not keep her methods a secret.

Why is alexi so close to janne?

It's based on an astrological fact: they are supposed to love each other in secret.

What is the birth name of Edmund Mortimer?

Edmund Mortimer's birth name is Olson, Edmund Mortimer.

What is the birth name of Edmund Payne?

Edmund Payne's birth name is Edmund James Payne.

When did Edmund Jennings die?

Edmund Perry died in 1985.

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How we can say this in Malayalam You're supposed to keep that secret?

If it is a statement "You are supposed to keep that secret", then it should be "Nee athu rahasyamaayi veykkendathaanu" OR "Athu rahasyamaayi veykkendathaanu"...

What if a friend knows a secret there not supposed to?

If they know a secret that they are not suppose to. You can best advice them to keep it a secret.

Where does it say in the Bible that you are supposed to keep what the Lord does for you a secret or in private?

It does not say this in the bible.

Why is the Secret Service secret?

So they could protect the president. They are supposed to keep the code names of the president and his family secret. This way, possible assassins are not given additional information.

What has the author Edmund James Mills written?

Edmund James Mills has written: 'The secret of Petrarch' -- subject(s): Accessible book 'The secret of Petrarch'

Why did Sqirrelflight keep Leafpools secret that she had kits?

Well because Medicine Cats aren't supposed to have kits (which Leafpool did- with Crowfeather) so her sister Squirrelflight keeped the secret.

You keep getting missions that are supposed to get stone plate but you get secret slabs?

they are the same item. the enigma part is also called the mystery part. the mystery part and the secret slab do the same thing.

What was a secret special unit created to keep leaks of information from getting to the public during the Nixon's presidency?

The "Plumbers", because they were supposed to stop leaks.

When was Keep It a Secret created?

Keep It a Secret was created in 1952.

How do you say keep a secret in spanish?

To keep a secret = Guardar un/el secretoPlease keep it a secret = Guárdame el secreto

How did the secret stay a secret?

By not telling anyone the secret, keep the secret a secret.

When was Keep Me a Secret created?

Keep Me a Secret was created in 2003-03.