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Q: What sense organs send information about the environment to the?
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What is something that can be used to send information?

E-mail, airmail, post, ect.

Are the five sense imfortant?

Your 5 senses are: sight, smell, touch, hear, and tasted.Your sense of taste is important because it helps you choose and enjoy food. Your tongue helps to keep you safe. It warns you when foods have gone bad so that you don't eat them.Your sense of smell is important because it helps you to enjoy the favour of food and drinks and the smell of flowers.It keeps you safe too as you use it to smell smoke, warning you of danger.Touching is important as it helps you keep yourself safe. If you stand on a prickle the message travels up your leg to your brain telling you to move off the prickle. Or if a cup of tea is nearby, just by touching you can tell if its hot. Your sense of taste is important because it helps you choose and enjoy food. Your tongue helps to keep you safe. It warns you when foods have gone bad so that you don't eat them.Hearing helps us listen to music, people talking and other sounds. Cells in your ears send a message to your brain to tell you what the sound is.Your ears can keep you safe. You use them to listen for fire alarms or car horns when crossing the roadYour sight helps you to understand your surroundings. It lets you see an object's colour, size, shape, movement and distance.Your sense of sight is important as it warns you of danger, eg. looking for cars when crossing the road.It is very important to protect your eyes.

What is to Mark are shown here seven if I can only send if Significantly different from each other?

You really need to actually LOOK at what you're typing before you hit "ask question." This makes absolutely no sense whatsoever

What is the definition of general sense?

But he took in the general sense of a passage so quickly that he did not always, even in translating, stop to consider the precise significance of every word.-The Life of FroudeIt met the general sense of the House, but was opposed by Dr. Lee, on the ground of expense, which it would authorize the Agent to incur for us; and, he said, it would be better to ratify at once, and send on the ratification.-Memoir Correspondence And MiscellaniesHis vivacity, his ready tact, the fascination of his manners, diffused that general sense of ease and abandon so requisite to foster an harmonious flow of conversation.

What is the machine used to send cablegram?

machine used to send cablegrams

Related questions

What transmits messages from sense organs and the environment?

Sense organs send information to the brain via afferent pathways of the PNS (peripheral nervous system).

Individuals interpret what their senses detect using?

They use the parts of their brains which the sense organs send information to.

What function do sense organs serve?

Sense organs detect external stimuli such as light, sound, taste, smell, and touch and then send signals to the brain, which processes this information to create perceptions and reactions. These organs help us interact with and respond to our environment, contributing to our survival and well-being.

Do all our sense organs have nerves in them?

Yes, all sense organs have nerves in them. Nerves are responsible for transmitting signals from the sense organs to the brain, allowing us to perceive and interpret various stimuli from our environment.

How do tongue's sense organs send messages to the brain?

Taste Buds

What senses changes in the environment and reponds by sending information?

The nervous system detects changes in the environment through sensory organs such as eyes, ears, nose, tongue, and skin. Specialized receptors in these organs send signals to the brain, which then processes the information and coordinates a response through motor neurons to react accordingly.

Which four sense organs send nerves right into the brain?

its i believe sensory nerves

What is the relationship between the CPU and input and output devices?

CPU: it is processing part of computer like brain in us i/p and o/p devices: these are the interfaces between cpu and human man , its like sense organs in our body(i.e through sense organs we get information from surrounding, sent to brain to think, after that we send the reply of brain through sense organ)

Which organ system helps your body to sense things?

The organ system that helps your body to sense things is known as the sensory system. This will rely on the circulatory fluids to send messages from the sense organs to the brain.

How does the information from the brain goes back to the sense organ?

Information doesn't go from the brain to a sense organ, its the other way around. Sense organs send information to the brain via afferent pathways of the PNS (peripheral nervous system). How this works is dependent on what sense your talking about. The basic outline for how senses work is a specialized receptor cell gets stimulated (light sound etc) and then sends an action potential to the thalamus where it is then routed to a specific cortex of the brain. Olfaction (smell) is the only sense that doesn't get routed by the thalamus.

What nerves do in our body?

Control motion of muscles, secretions of certain organs, and send information back to the brain.

How does the euglena respond to its environment?

They send radio waves to the targets and destroy its system of sense. After Euglena stings their target with flagella and kills it.