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In a perfect system, with no air resistance, the arc that a projectile moves through is a parabola. The shape of the parabola is dependent of various parameters including the initial velocity (speed and angle of launch) as well as the prevailing gravity. It could also describe a circle if the launch criteria are just right for the gravity, such as a satellite orbiting the Earth.

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Q: What shape does a projectile make?
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What are the factors which determine the distance that a projectile will travel?

Factors that determine the distance a projectile will travel include the initial velocity of the projectile, the angle of projection, air resistance, gravity, and the mass and shape of the projectile. Higher initial velocity, lower air resistance, a shallow angle of projection, and a projectile with less mass and streamlined shape tend to result in longer distances.

True or false Projectiles always have a pointed shape?

False, a projectile is simply something that flies through the air irrespective of its shape. A football is a projectile. footballs are pointed though. Think: NERF bullets.

What factors have a significant impact on a firearms maximum projectile range?

Speed, weight, and shape of the projectile- along with the angle at which the barrel is raised above the horizonatal.

What is a factor on a firearms maximum projectile range?

Factors include the angle at which it is fired, the speed of the projectile, its shape (ballistic coefficient) the air pressure and humidity.

Is it true or false that a cannon ball rolling down a slope is considered a projectile?

False. A projectile is an object that is thrown or launched into the air and has a parabolic trajectory. A cannonball rolling down a slope is not considered a projectile because it is not launched into the air.

What is the difference between a Parabola and a Trajectory?

Trajectory is the path a projectile follows Parabola is the shape of this path

Which factor has a significant impact on a firearms' maximum projectile range?

Weight, velocity, and shape of the bullet.

What is the shape of projectile?

Any shape you like. A stone that is thrown is a projectile. A cannonball, arrow, spear, bullet are all projectiles. A projectile s an object all of whose momentum comes at the moment of launch; once it is launched, it travels under that initial momentum and external forces such as gravity and air resistance. There is no "on board" rocket or other means of propulsion.

How do you solve a projectile motion problem?

An object projected by force and continuing in motion by its own inertia.An objectile is a a projectile only when it is in a state of motion,usually it covers a parabola shape path.

What causes a bullet to make the exit hole bigger than the entry hole?

Projectile expansion or projectile tumbling.

What is projectile in physics?

A projectile is any object thrown or launched into the air, subject only to the force of gravity. In physics, the motion of a projectile is typically analyzed in terms of its initial velocity, angle of launch, and the effects of air resistance. The path of a projectile is typically parabolic in shape.

What angle for firing projectiles gives longest time?

45 degrees to the horizontal will give the maximum flight time for a projectile. If a projectile was fired at 90 degrees to the horizontal, (straight upwards) the projectile will go straight upwards (ignoring the shape, form and aerodynamic properties of the projectile). Likewise if you were to fire a projectile at 0 degrees to the horizontal, the projectile would follow said course, IF gravity was not in effect; a projectile needs some form of vertical velocity to overcome gravity. Hence why 45 degrees will give you the longest distance and consequently flight time.