


Golf is a game that has been played through the ages. Steeped in history and tradition, this game of honor instills key life skills of honesty and integrity. The WikiAnswers Golf category includes information about golfers and golf history, clubs and equipment as well as questions on the rules.

5,799 Questions

How far would a golf ball go on Ganymede?

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Due to Ganymede's lower gravity compared to Earth, a golf ball hit on Ganymede would travel much farther than on Earth. However, the exact distance would depend on factors such as the force of the swing, the angle of the shot, and other environmental conditions. It would likely travel several times farther than on Earth.

What are the odds of being both stuck by lightning and hitting a hole in one in golf?

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The odds of being struck by lightning are about 1 in 15,300 in a given lifetime. The odds of hitting a hole in one in golf are approximately 1 in 12,500 for an amateur golfer. To calculate the combined odds of both events happening simultaneously, you would multiply the individual odds together, resulting in a very rare occurrence.

Why is it particularly dangerous for a golfer to swing a metal golf club during a thunderstorm?

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Swinging a metal golf club during a thunderstorm increases the risk of being struck by lightning, as metal is a good conductor of electricity. The height of a golfer holding the metal club also increases the likelihood of being the tallest object in an open area, attracting lightning. Golfer should seek shelter immediately during a thunderstorm to avoid being at risk of a lightning strike.

Why could standing in the beach or open golf course make your body act like a lightning rod?

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Standing in an open area like a beach or golf course increases the likelihood of being struck by lightning because elevated or exposed positions are more likely to attract the electrical charge. Additionally, the wet ground on a beach or golf course can increase conductivity, making it easier for lightning to travel through your body. It's important to seek shelter immediately if you hear thunder or see lightning in the vicinity.

What is the best golf GPS device?

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The best golf GPS device is subjective and depends on individual preferences. Some popular options include Garmin Approach series, Bushnell Phantom, and SkyCaddie SX500. It is recommended to consider features like accuracy, ease of use, course coverage, and additional functions when choosing a golf GPS device.

Dimples are a dominant characteristic If one parent does not have dimples and one parent is heterozygous for dimples what chance does a child have for getting dimples?

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The child has a 50% chance of inheriting dimples. This is because dimples are a dominant trait, so if one parent is heterozygous for dimples, they will have one dominant allele for dimples to pass on to their child. The child would need to inherit this dominant allele from the heterozygous parent in order to express the trait.

Why would standing on a beach make your body act like a lightning rod?

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When you stand on a beach, with sand and salty water conducting electricity, there is a higher chance of being struck by lightning as your body could provide a direct pathway for the electrical current to reach the ground. This is why it's important to seek shelter during a thunderstorm and avoid standing on an open beach.

How many golf tees fit into a half gallon jar?

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It would depend on the size and shape of the golf tees, but on average, you can fit around 200-300 golf tees in a half gallon jar.

How do you make the grip solvent?

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To make grip solvent, you can mix a small amount of dish soap with warm water. This solution helps to lubricate the grip, making it easier to slide on and off. Alternatively, you can use specialized grip solvent available at sporting goods stores.

How many meters is a golf club?

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The length of a standard golf club can vary depending on the type of club. A typical driver is around 1 meter in length.

How do you get rid of gas odors after using gas as a solvent in re gripping golf clubs?

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To remove gas odors after using gas as a solvent in regripping golf clubs, ensure the solvent is completely evaporated by leaving the grips in a well-ventilated area for a few days. You can also wash the grips with soap and water, or use a mild detergent to help neutralize the odor. Additionally, storing the grips with baking soda or activated charcoal can help absorb any lingering smells.

Why would a shoe box filled with golf balls have a better porosity than if it was filled with sand?

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A shoe box filled with golf balls would have better porosity than if it was filled with sand because the spaces between the golf balls are larger and more open compared to the small, tightly packed grains of sand. This allows for more air and water to flow through the golf balls, creating better drainage and aeration.

Is golf buddy gps accurate?

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Yes, Golf Buddy GPS devices are known for their accuracy in providing precise distances on the golf course. They use advanced technology to accurately measure distances to the front, center, and back of greens as well as hazards. Golfers often rely on Golf Buddy GPS devices for their accuracy in helping them make better club selections.

The mass of a golf ball is 45.9 g If it leaves the tee with a speed of 60.0 ms what is its corresponding wavelength?

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To calculate the wavelength, we need to use the de Broglie wavelength formula: λ = h / (mv), where h is the Planck constant (6.626 x 10^-34 m^2 kg / s), m is the mass of the golf ball in kg (0.0459 kg), v is the velocity of the golf ball in m/s (60 m/s). Plugging in the values, we find that the wavelength of the golf ball is approximately 0.36 x 10^-34 m.

When does tiger wooods 2010 come out?

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Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2010 was released on June 8, 2009.

Can you use soap and water for golf grip solvent?

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Soap and water can be used as a temporary alternative for golf grip solvent if you don't have access to solvent. However, it may not be as effective or durable as using a proper solvent designed for regripping golf clubs. Make sure to thoroughly dry the grip and club before using it.

What is a hole in one called?

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On a par 3, it's an eagle. On par 4, it's a double eagle. On a par 5, it's called either an albatross or a lie.

What are factors affecting FLOW rate?

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Factors affecting flow rate include the size and shape of the opening through which the substance is flowing, the viscosity of the substance, the pressure difference driving the flow, and any obstructions or restrictions in the flow path. Additionally, temperature and the properties of the substance itself can also impact flow rate.

What are the standard dimensions of a golf cart overhead door?

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Standard dimensions for a golf cart overhead door typically range from 7 feet in height to 8 feet in width. These dimensions ensure enough clearance for a standard-sized golf cart to comfortably pass through the door opening. However, it is always advisable to check with the manufacturer or supplier for specific measurements and customization options.

What does bogie in golf mean?

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In golf, the term "bogie" refers to a score of one stroke over par on a hole. For example, if a golfer completes a hole in five strokes on a par-4 hole, they would have a bogey. Bogies are common in golf and are a challenge for players to avoid in order to score lower.

191 inches equals how many feet?

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191 inches is equal to 15.92 feet. (Divide 191 by 12 to convert inches to feet)

What state provides best golfing weather all year round?

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Florida is known for its consistent warm weather, making it an ideal state for golfing year-round. With its numerous golf courses and sunny skies, Florida offers a great environment for golfers to enjoy their sport consistently throughout the year.

How many tee times are usually offered at a golf course in one day?

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The number of tee times offered at a golf course in one day can vary, but typically ranges between 100-200 tee times. This number can be influenced by factors such as course popularity, size, and the amount of daylight available for play.

Does the bounce of the ball effect the distance it can be hit?

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Yes, it does. Although it does depend on what material the ball is made of, for the most part, yes. If you rolled a 5 pound ball made of rubber, with a circumference of 6 inches, it would go less far on a flat plane than a 5 pound rubber ball with 12 inches of circumference.


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Do golf courses close for cold weather?

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Many courses try to stay open until the weather is cold (or snowy) nearly every day. Once the cold weather sets in, many of these courses close for the winter. However, there are some courses that do remain open in one of two forms. Some courses are open if there is a "nice" day. Usually that means a temperature nearl 50 degrees or middle to upper 40's, the greens are not frozen, and the course is not too muddy. Almost always carts will not be permitted because of the damage they may cause to the course in cold weather. Other courses, typically 9-hole courses from my limited observation, remain open in an unofficial sense. They may simply ask you to drop money into a slot and you can play the course (or practice on the course) even though no one is there. Talk to the people who operate the course.