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Q: What shape has exactly two parallel sides and exactly two right angles?
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What shape has 4 sides 4 angles and 1 pair of parallel sides?

A shape that has exactly 4 sides, 2 right angles and one pair of parallel sides is a rectangle. ~T

What shape has Two sets of parallel sides but no right angles?

A shape with parallel sides but no right angles is called a parallelogram

What is the shape that has 1pair of parallel sides and exactly 2 right angles?

A right trapezium. A right trapezium. A right trapezium. A right trapezium.

Does a trapizoid have 3 right angles?

No. A trapezoid is any four sided shape which has at least two parallel sides. If it is four sided, cannot have exactly four right angles.

What shape has opposites sides parallel and the same length and four right angles?

A shape with opposite sides parallel and of the same length and four right angles is a rectangle.

What is a shape with no right angles and 1 pair of parallel lines?

A shape with no right angles and one pair of parallel lines would be called a trapezoid in the USA, and a trapezium in Britain.

What shape has opposite sides parallel but no right angles?

A rhombus

A shape with no right angles and 1pair of parallel lines?


What shape has 2 parallel sides and no right angles?

A parallelogram.

What shape has no right angles with two parallel lines?

A Trapizoid.

Is a square a shape with two parallel sides and no right angles?

No. A square has 2 sets of parallel sides and FOUR RIGHT ANGLES.A rhombus has two sets of parallel sides and NO right angles.

What shape has exactly two right angles?

A trapazoid