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Q: What shape is the Swiss flag?
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What Shape Is On The Swiss Flag?

The White Cross.

Which shape is found on the Swiss flag?

The Swiss flag is a square (the only quadratic flag in the world, besides the State of the Vatican) composed of a white cross (centered) on red background. Three remarks can be added: The Swiss flag is the color inversed flag of the Red Cross Organisation (I hope everyone knows what that is!!!); that's because the Red Cross has originally been created by the Swiss Henry Dunant because of the wounded soldiers in the battle of Solferino 1859 - he therefore simply inverted the colors of his country's flag. Second, the Swiss flag appeared for the first time in 1339 during a battle and representing the confederate troops. Third, the Swiss flag is used in a 2:3 dimension (not squared) on sea. her is the Switzerland flag hope that helped!!!! ~signed~ ~warriorcatsgirl~

Colours of the Swiss flag?

The Swiss flag is a white cross on a red background. The flag is square.

Which flag inspired another flag in reverse color?

The Swiss flag Swiss flag inspired the Red Cross flag in reverse color

What does the Swiss national flag look like?

The Swiss flag is a red field with a white cross dominant.

What colors make up the Swiss flag?

five colors make up the make up the Swiss flag

What are colours on Swiss Flag?

The Swiss Flag is blood red with a white cross in the center. I'll leave a Related Link to an image of the flag so you can see for yourself.

How do you say Switzerland's flag in german?

Switzerland's flag = die flagge der Schweiz Switzerland's flag = die fahne der Schweiz the Swiss flag = die schweizerische Fahne the Swiss flag = die schweizerische Flagge

What rucksack company has the Swiss flag?


What is the name of Swiss flag?

Schweizerische Editgenossenchaft

Is the white cross on the Swiss flag a Christian symbol?

No. It is not

What does the Switzerland flag look like?

The Swiss flag is a square (the only quadratic flag in the world, besides the State of the Vatican) composed of a white cross (centered) on red background. Three remarks can be added: The Swiss flag is the color inversed flag of the Red Cross Organisation (I hope everyone knows what that is!!!); that's because the Red Cross has originally been created by the Swiss Henry Dunant because of the wounded soldiers in the battle of Solferino 1859 - he therefore simply inverted the colors of his country's flag. Second, the Swiss flag appeared for the first time in 1339 during a battle and representing the confederate troops. Third, the Swiss flag is used in a 2:3 dimension (not squared) on sea. her is the Switzerland flag hope that helped!!!! ~signed~ ~warriorcatsgirl~