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If your retainer doesn't fit anymore then that means that your teeth are shifting. You should go see your orthodontist as soon as possible and depending on how bad it is you might need to get braces again.

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Q: What should I do if my retainer doesn't fit anymore?
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Related questions

How often should you replace your retainer?

You should ask your dentist. You shouldn't need to replace your retainer at all unless it hurts, doesn't fit for some reason, or your orthodontist says to.

What happens if you have a cavity filled and have a retainer will the retainer still fit properly?

Yes, the retainer will still fit properly. The filling fills a hole on the inside of the tooth, and the retainer covers the outside of the teeth so the cavity is not affected.

Can a dental crown be made to fit a retainer being worn after braces?

Yes. Technically a crown should be made to closely remember the existing tooth therefore fitting the existing retainer. However, depending upon why the tooth requires the crown the retainer may or may not fit WELL. The ideal situation is to have the crown done and the retainer remade to fit the new crown PERFECTLY. The compromising situation is to have the crown done and adjusting the retainer to fit the new crown IF POSSIBLE. Sometimes the retainer is held in the mouth by a clasp, connector, or portion of the retainer that is unable to be adjusted or changed BECAUSE of the location/shape/size of the new crown. Remaking the retainer may be simply a longer-lasting, better-fitting, easier, or cost-effective way or any combination of such to have a FUNCTIONAL retainer. Remember, the goal is to fix the tooth that requires the crown AND to keep the teeth in their proper positions.

How do you get your parents to get you a retainer even if you dont need one?

You can't, any qualified dentist will not fit you with a retainer if a retainer is not needed. If they did so they could be sued.

If your teeth move slightly will the retainer move them back?

No. The retainer is used to keep the teeth in place, not move them. The retainer will probably just not fit as well now.

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