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If this is for acceptance, then your objective should be to get your degree. Be honest about it.

If this is AFTER acceptance, find your career, then GRADUATE. That should be your main objective.

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Q: What should be my Objectives in a college?
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You should choose a college or university based on a program that leads to your overall career goals and objectives. If you have a passion for what you want to do, complicated will not be the issue for you, you will do whatever is necessary.

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Why should people get college degrees?

Whether one should pursue a college degree depends on that individuals overall career goals and objectives. Some careers require a college degree, and some do not. If a person wants to be a nurse practitioner, there is not way to achieve that without getting an advanced degree. However, is a person wants to become an electrician, they would not need a college degree, however vocational training would be highly recommended.Whether one should pursue a college degree depends on that individuals overall career goals and objectives. Some careers require a college degree, and some do not. If a person wants to be a nurse practitioner, there is not way to achieve that without getting an advanced degree. However, is a person wants to become an electrician, they would not need a college degree, however vocational training would be highly recommended.Whether one should pursue a college degree depends on that individuals overall career goals and objectives. Some careers require a college degree, and some do not. If a person wants to be a nurse practitioner, there is not way to achieve that without getting an advanced degree. However, is a person wants to become an electrician, they would not need a college degree, however vocational training would be highly recommended.Whether one should pursue a college degree depends on that individuals overall career goals and objectives. Some careers require a college degree, and some do not. If a person wants to be a nurse practitioner, there is not way to achieve that without getting an advanced degree. However, is a person wants to become an electrician, they would not need a college degree, however vocational training would be highly recommended.Whether one should pursue a college degree depends on that individuals overall career goals and objectives. Some careers require a college degree, and some do not. If a person wants to be a nurse practitioner, there is not way to achieve that without getting an advanced degree. However, is a person wants to become an electrician, they would not need a college degree, however vocational training would be highly recommended.Whether one should pursue a college degree depends on that individuals overall career goals and objectives. Some careers require a college degree, and some do not. If a person wants to be a nurse practitioner, there is not way to achieve that without getting an advanced degree. However, is a person wants to become an electrician, they would not need a college degree, however vocational training would be highly recommended.

What is the relationships among objectives strategies and policies?

Long-term objectives and strategies are products of strategy formulation. Short-term (annual) objectives and policies are products of strategy implementation. Firms should translate long-term objectives into annual objectives. Similarly, strategies should be supported with clear policies.

Do you have a diversity inventory for college curriculum?

You can create an inventory that measures diversity with your college curriculum. Whether you have one or not depends on the strategic objectives of the university.

What classes should you take in community college before transferring to a 4 year college to earn a bachelors degree in science?

It depends on your overall career goals and objectives. Once you decide on a specific career goal you will be able to identify the type a major that will lead you there.

How do you write transactional objectives?

Transactional objectives should have a goal set for businesses to follow. They should contain steps needed to achieve their desired outcomes.